Business Plan Template for Startups

Gaurav Manglik
WestWave Capital
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2020

It has been almost a year since I joined WestWave Capital.

The role has exceeded all my expectations. Couple of things stand out for me. Firstly, the amount of rapid learning when I meet talented entrepreneurs with new ideas is very rewarding for me and secondly, as a former founder, I still get to experience entrepreneurship, albeit not directly, but by being close to founders whom I can help and guide from the learnings of my own startup experience.

Towards accomplishing this goal even more meaningfully, we have started creating a set of materials that I think can be very useful for founders. During my own journey, I had to figure some of this out on my own the hard way. I found the existing resources and templates on the internet and from other firms often not adequate or comprehensive. So we have decided to create such material and open-source some of it so that it can benefit everyone.

The first material we are posting is a business plan template. This can be found here:

One of the most common things that every entrepreneur (esp. a first time founder), gets feedback on is her business plan presentation. We also get asked very often, by founders, for business plan presentation templates. So we have decided to create one that we feel is complete and comprehensive and covers the key points investors want to see in a business plan presentation. Needless to say that the presentation itself is a key component for successful fund-raising and if done well, can accelerate time to funding.

So we hope that this template can not only help many people with their fund-raising but can also motivate aspiring founders to kickstart their startup journey.

More material will be made available from our website (

Don’t forget to read the notes and check out the advanced resources in the backup section!

