Washington, D.C. politicians prepped to undermine American taxpayers, pad billionaire bank accounts

Greg Zimmerman
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2017

Days into the new Congress and only a week before Donald Trump takes the oath of office, politicians in Washington are already taking their cues directly from billionaire campaign donors.

Last week, the Freedom Partners — an organization supported by billionaire corporate executives, including the Koch brothers — released a “roadmap” for President Trump and Congress.

The short, 2-page roadmap, outlines what Freedom Partners expects from Congress and the new administration, including plans to expunge a series of policies on public lands recently implemented to guarantee American taxpayers don’t continue being ripped off by energy companies.

The Bureau of Land Management, for example, recently finalized a common-sense rule that encourages producers to collect and sell natural gas, while ensuring drillers don’t waste taxpayer-owned resources. Oil and gas companies, however, think they should be allowed to continue burning off or venting public natural gas resources into the air.

Instead of celebrating the policy as a win for American taxpayers, Freedom Partners is instructing Congress to use the arcane “Congressional Review Act” to delete the policy from the books. All indications are that politicians in Washington will comply.

This, unfortunately, is what Donald Trump’s Washington will look like. In this new era, its billionaires, like those who fund Freedom Partners, with the biggest voice, while everyone else comes second.



Greg Zimmerman

Latte drinking forester. Sagebrush rebel. Western politics. Public lands owner.