Content aggregation as the future of streaming

The Launcher
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2020


Streaming services have never been so present in everyday life. They changed the way music and movies are experienced, to the point of revolutionizing the whole entertainment industry, and forcing enormous changes on the consumer/provider dynamics.

For this reason people are overwhelmed with options, with a new one popping up every couple of months, and each one with a different value proposition. This should be good, right? Well, it was for a while, until the apps kept piling up and with each one a new account added, and a new bill to be aware of.

The stress point of having to jump back and forth between streaming services in order to watch any type of content is taking its toll, and many companies are addressing this situation with an undeniable value proposition. Instead of focusing on content acquisition to feature a movie or a TV show, they are also offering the possibility to subscribe to other streaming services from within, expanding on their offering while minimizing costs, providing a better user experience and, most importantly, gaining revenue from platform “rent space”.



The Launcher

WeTek develops video distribution solutions for Cable/Satellite Operators, ISPs and Content Owners. We think of each project as a new challenge and overcome it.