9 Tips to Manage Business and Time Efficiently

Wetelo, Inc
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2020

As a small/medium business owner, you should pay special attention to effective time management, since lost time equals lost money. After all, when you plan a working day responsibly, your team not only has a clear course of action and follows it but also can track daily progress and does not have a burnout at the workplace. Let’s start with these 9 ways to improve your performance and manage your time properly.

Planning and prioritization

Draw up a plan and divide all tasks by their level of complexity. It helps prioritize and balance both primary and secondary work fields. Identify tasks that can be assigned to someone else to not overload your staff with surplus work. You can delegate some tasks to external specialists not to waste time training your in-house team.

Setting goals, both small and large, is a great way to avoid chaos in your daily management. Analyze the main algorithm due to which your business works, divide the running cycle into small task chain, and start executing tasks gradually.

Elaborately planned meetings

Try to make online conferences or daily/weekly meetings with colleagues brief and productive. It allows to thoroughly plan a schedule. Besides, you need to monitor how many hours are spent on meetings and whether all hit the mark. Try to ensure that each team member is engaged in the discussion and has a clear picture of what is going on.

Well-coordinated collaboration

Communication is crucial for any business, no matter whether your team works in the office or remotely. Communication is necessary to achieve the maximum result, so make sure that all company employees are on the same wave and understand their duties right.

Collaboration must be well-coordinated. To work more productively, your team must work in block and receive tasks manager via one communication channel. When discussing the plan and delegating responsibilities, everyone should properly interpret its ​implementation. Use online Messengers for group or private chats and ensure that all participants stay in touch and are able to discuss any issue in real-time.

Accurate information processing

The disorder is one of the factors due to which you waste your valuable time. It concerns document or task management. Integrating automation system allows you to process information related to files or documents, sort it or assign the completion status to your tasks.

Fast information processing allows you not only to save time for immediate tasks but also to complete everything twice faster without worrying about the final result.

Manage your business on the go

The modern technology market offers a huge variety of applications that help you not only compile a list of tasks for every day but also manage your business activity online. So it will be easier for you to prioritize tasks, send emails to colleagues, set notifications, or track progress using a mobile device. So you can stay informed about your tasks wherever you are and manage your time more effectively.

Plan in advance

Determine the time when you are most productive and attentive. Plan the most challenging tasks and solve them when you are full of energy. It makes it possible not to postpone important tasks and complete the day’s plan complying with timeframes. Also, try to take short breaks to not burn out and keep a steady working rhythm.

Load distribution

You lose time switching from one task to another, resulting in lost productivity. Divide your working day into several 20-minute periods of intensive and hard work. After that, take five-minute breaks. It allows you to stimulate mental activity and cope with core tasks effectively.

Avoid distracting things

Turn off your phone, use special plugins to block distracting websites, such as YouTube. Devote some time for reading emails, answering tweets or messages, and open your mail only at a set time. Turn off notifications on your smartphone and browser. Being able to manage your time correctly helps you make the most of every precious hour and work productively.

Put your resources in order

Each company has to provide optimal use of technical, material, and labor resources. The entire business cycle within the company depends on how consistent the action plan is. It affects the processing time at each stage and the overall progress.

Make each second valuable! Get the right tool to change your perception of usual business management. Just a few clicks and all your processes are organized and your clients are happy with the result.

