Dedicated Team: When I Need It and How to Pick up the Best One

Wetelo, Inc
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2020

To choose a reliable team that will deliver you the desired product for business, you need to know how to pick the right specialists. After all, working with experts, you don’t risk getting a poor-quality project or missing the deadline.

Having no idea how and where to find the team correctly, business people decide to work with first-time freelancers. As a rule, working in such a way they invest a lot of money in development but don’t get what they want in the final result. A mistake in choosing a provider prevents a lot of compelling business ideas from coming into the market.

Moreover, working with freelancers, business owners can receive a simple list of tasks completed without a precise plan, since they don’t know how to manage the development team properly and organize the process at each stage.

In this article, we will shed light on what a dedicated team is and how you can find qualified specialists without a hitch.

Dedicated team: a brief insight

A dedicated team is a group of developers, designers, QA-engineers, project managers etc. you can hire to embody your business product. Such a development model means that the IT team focuses on your business solution entirely, and each employee is responsible for task scope according to your plan.

This cooperation model is useful if you don’t have time to hire an in-house development team and train them, or if you plan to develop a large project, that requires long-term cooperation.

Where can I find a dedicated team?

Company websites

Nowadays, everything can be found on the Internet and, thus, each team tries to show its presence in the online environment. You can visit specialized directories that offer a list of all IT companies. You can also visit their websites to see a portfolio, last projects, testimonials and much more.

Freelance platforms

If you need to find specialists from other countries, the freelance exchange is the best way to do it. Many development teams have a private account on popular sites such as or Here you can find a performer for any work — from a simple website or mobile application to a comprehensive and multimodular BPA system.

Social networks

Searching a team on social networks like Facebook, or LinkedIn opens up additional opportunities. You can also get feedback about the cooperation with the dedicated team.

What criteria should I focus on when searching for a dedicated team?


The picture is worth a thousand words. The majority of teams display their portfolio, that is reliable proof of the level of professional skills. A large number of high-quality projects indicate considerable expertise in programming or product design. Thus, you can understand if the team is able to bring your idea into life, especially if it is a sophisticated product.


With years, each team grows in expertise as well as the client base. A reliable team gladly shares testimonials from happy customers. You can find them in such directories as or right on a company website. Also, you can just google them. If you haven’t any feedback about the team, you should think twice before starting working with them.

Growth Indicators

Figures are everything and a great success indicator in particular. Ask the team about the results they have achieved with previous customers (products developed for them). It concerns the KPI metrics (the number of website visitors or purchases, etc). High-rate indicators mean that the teams created a well-thought-out project structure and took care of its convenience for users.

Communication with client

Communication is no less important part of success. It depends on how correctly and clearly the main goal is formed, priorities set, and tasks assigned. And if the dialogue with your team is not smooth enough, that is the risk of receiving a product that won’t meet your expectations.

If the team neglects communication with potential customers, then it is better for you to find others.

Contact the experts directly, discuss the technical part, or ask about the process directly, and see how these tasks correspond to the skills of a potential team. Finding the right one requires well preparation, but you can find such specialists following the instructions in this article. If you have any questions, our Wetelo team is glad to answer them!

