Desktop Software vs Cloud-Based Software: What to Choose

Wetelo, Inc
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2020

Some teams refuse using cloud systems in their company. Most business people are not ready to invest in development, because they consider cloud services either expensive or unsafe to store commercial information. Nevertheless, statistics show that the number of people who want to implement web-based software is growing, since it gives a significant impact on process optimization and allows you to reduce expenses.

Desktop vs Cloud: Brief overview

Desktop software

What it is: A desktop application is a program installed on a user’s computer that works under the control of the operating system.

Virtues: with this software, you can solve tasks both online and offline. Quick start minimizes latency as your system or application does not depend on the Internet connection. Besides, multiprocessor systems provide the opportunity to perform operations as efficiently as possible.

Flaws: Once this application is integrated, you can use it on your computer only. Moreover, you need to develop different versions of software for multiple operating systems. If you have difficulty with technical settings, you will be responsible for correcting errors as an end-user. It can cause issues with stability and safety.

Cloud-based software

What it is: This software does not require additional server or installation on your computer. All you need is to open your browser, login in the app and work.

Virtues: You don’t need to invest in updates. The speed of implementation allows both large and small teams to start working quickly. You can interact with this app by synchronizing your accounts. Moreover, the systems’ multi modularity allows you to change the required functions or add new ones depending on the business needs. Besides, the cloud solution requires fewer resources, that means less spending.

Why SMBs are actively implementing cloud solutions

Cloud services help businesses accelerate processes because small and medium-sized companies tend to the rapid growth rate. In this case, the cloud solution is an additional incitement to improve your activity and simplify team work.

During the crisis, such a model turned out to be very popular, because it is easy for companies to optimize business processes, launch projects on request, store commercial data reliably and allocate resources for development.

If your employees are located in different places or working remotely, cloud solutions allow you to synchronize all members and start working immediately. As opposed to desktop applications, you do not need to worry about data security or support. Your service providers are ready to assist and fix any issue at any time.

Since companies focus on improving their capabilities, they invest in the development of their key activity. Unlike desktop versions, cloud solutions do not require investment in development or improvement in case you need to increase your resources. You get easy to scale and flexible service right away.

How different industries improve their business with cloud apps


In order to meet the customers’ needs and provide flexibility, banks use convenient and high-tech cloud platforms. By operating such a solution, customers can plan their finances, perform banking operations, pay for services in real-time, make transactions, and much more. In addition, applications allow you to receive a response without delays, notifications about payments or recent changes. It is also easy for employees to submit requests and get feedback from customers without wasting precious time.


Cloud technology makes retail more consumer-friendly. The capabilities of cloud solutions allow you to virtually pay for goods and services, analyze customer needs, create digital supply chains or personalize offers. These solutions increase access, reduce customer costs, and optimize resources.


Cloud-based software for manufacturing helps your team centralize product data, and promote efficient order handling. As cloud computing improves the speed and accuracy of production operations, the number of this solution is expected to grow.

Do you have an idea of how to build processes in your business field with a multimodular tool? Don’t hesitate to discuss it with our team and get your free quote right now!

