How Templates Save You Time and Money

Wetelo, Inc
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2020

Documents and other corporate information are as valuable for the business as labor resources. A latter-day approach to document processing is needed if you want to stay competitive and keep your documentation tidy.

These days, document management remains in the usual paper form, despite the fact that many companies are trying to automate document flow.

What if your managers will work with ready-made templates, based-on which you can draw up a clean-looking document as a matter of minutes? Having such an opportunity, you will kill two birds with one stone: save money and time as well as mitigate risks.

How SMB suffers from paperwork

According to statistics, 20% of documents created by the company workers contain inaccuracies. This entails huge risks not only in securing transactions but also for the company image. Moreover, on average companies spend $20 to file and store paper documents. Rather costly for businesses, isn’t it?

Source: Nitro blogs

Let’s consider this problematic point via examples of an accountants’ work. Their daily activity is about drawing up documentation, contracts, creating reports confirming service delivery, etc. If an accountant makes a mistake in calculations or any typo, the company may get significant losses. If errors are found in the financial statements, then the company can receive a citation. In addition, accountants must prepare reports for their managers. This process needs additional time and resources.

Source: FinancesOnline

The same applies to marketing specialist work, for example. 88% of marketers said that reducing the time spent on preparing reports and analysis, giving them more time to prepare a strategy. (Source: Businesswire) The marketing plan template provides the basis for comprehensive marketing solutions.

The standardized document clearly develops an understanding of what must be achieved during a marketing strategy. This allows organizing work from the initial stages to the final result. When creating separate reports on sales or profit, prepare SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) — analysis manually, it is quite tough for the marketing specialist to concentrate and adjust all processes. This leads to major missteps that affect the success of the entire company.

Why it is important to transform your document flow by integrating templates

Source: ESRA, Nitro

Templates save time

Your employees spend a lot of time creating, filling in or formatting, reports, invoices or contracts. But having ready-made templates at hand a lot of the routine work has already been done. You do not need to create a document from scratch, customize fonts or place visual elements. Just fill in the necessary information and send a report to the customer or worker. The time of your employees will be saved so that they can focus their activity on more significant tasks. Based on the versatile business template, you can use it again and again for other purposes.

Documentation transparency

Control over the execution, receipt, creation of documents in the electronic system is faster and easier. It allows monitoring the entire flow of prepared templates for the business owner or other managers.

High level of confidentiality

While working with system templates, each team member receives different access level to the company’s documents that correspond to its powers: reading, editing the document, or full rights. All actions are logged on the computer system, so you can see who worked with the data or made changes at any moment.

Reduce processing and execution time

Online templates provide faster creation of documents, as well as it’s search, processing and mailing. Also, automatically drawn-up reports allow quickly performing routine tasks and optimize business processes.

Flexible work

Each template contains text options that may appear in the document depending on different circumstances. It makes possible to, systematize the document database. Such an organization helps you get rid of numerous copies. And what is important, you can speed up the file preparation by ten folds.

Functional reports are needed for both budgeting, marketing strategies and invoice creation. Of course, you can create them manually, spending a lot of effort and time to fill in the indicators, add the necessary information, or correct the mistakes made. However, is it a rational and effective method?

The easy-to-edit templates give you a clear-cut idea of the work done, allow you to add a pleasant visualization and change any details depending on your preferences making the whole process smooth and perfect.

