Blog 6 — It’s getting interesting!

Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2021

This week has been about creating content for our Dummy Group, deciding what we want where and how we’d like it to look. We happy with the new features our group can deliver, we just need to finalise that content — easier said than done when there is so much information relevant for our families!

In the background we’ve been working on how to automate as much of our onboarding process for the group as we can. Creating workflows that will email our users and guide them through the registration process. This is exciting for us, as it has been a long time in the pipeline and will really streamline the joining process for new members and save valuable staff time!

Our weekly 1–2–1 with Shivy and Andy has been useful as always, we’ve shared out some next steps around creating guides for users about the new features they can access and now we just need to get our heads down and write that content.

When we’re satisfied with what we’d like include in the initial implementation of the group, it’s just about deciding how to implement it and the last but definitely not least question is, WHEN?

When do we launch this exciting new phase of the WellChild Family Tree — I guess we’ll all just have to watch this space!



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Hello we are WellChild, the national charity for sick children. We give children with serious health needs the best chance to thrive, properly supported at home