Catalyst project: Ochre

Development of Ochre, a web application that shows the status of all the work that’s happening across the Catalyst network.

3 min readNov 27, 2019


General details

  • Outcome area: Network
  • Phases: Delivery
  • Timeframe: October — November 2019
  • Doing the work:
    CAST — CAST is the incubator for the Catalyst

Summary of work

Ochre is a web application that shows the status of all the work that’s happening across the Catalyst network. And trust me when I say, there is a LOT going on! Not only does Ochre tell us everything that’s happening across the Network, but it also tracks progress and learnings. We’re using a tried and tested system of Objectives and Key Results. Our objectives are our broad goals, and key results (set quarterly) are the incremental, measurable steps. We think of them as ‘little victories’ that will move us towards achieving those goals.

More on this work

Following the MVP release in July, we carried out some user research and testing with the CAST team, did some user journey mapping and distilled this into ‘jobs to be done’. Among the team there was a strong appetite for users to be able to track and share their progress, and a clear consensus that a centralised system was a positive thing. But there were also fears of duplicating effort, how and what to update in the system and making time to keep Ochre up to date. There was an element of uncertainty: Who is responsible for what? Where does my work fit into the big picture? How do I write a good Key Result? How do I measure my progress objectively?

Intended output

Following a 3 week sprint, we launched the next iteration of Ochre. The focus of the sprint was on the ‘big picture’ view. Allowing users to see how all of the Catalyst work fits together and get regular weekly updates via email and slack on what’s been happening across the network. This version also cleans up the roles to ensure the team are clearer on their areas of responsibility. I’ve also spent some time with the team to help figure out the process for writing and updating key results, so that it fits into their existing behaviours and doesn’t add to their workloads. There’s more to be done here in the next phase.

Upcoming sprints are focussed on embedding these ideas and behaviours within the team and getting partners on board with the Ochre system and process — something we’re super excited about!

Fit with Catalyst purpose

Ochre fits with the Network objective: Partners and CAST have clarity around their specific role and how they contribute to the overall Catalyst ambition.

Ochre also fits into an Operations objective: Generate, capture and share insight and learning across the network, through narrative, data and tools that can be used and embedded in practice.

Key contacts

If anyone would like to discuss or build on this work, please get in touch:

