Catalyst Project: Service Patterns

Roz Sutton
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2020

A project reusing the thinking behind the LocalGov Patterns platform, set up by FutureGov, to build a new service for the voluntary sector

Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash

General details

  • Outcome area: Support
  • Phase: Discovery

What we’re doing

We’re developing a list of common services that charities provide, with a view to allowing charities to identify where there are opportunities to share a common digital solution.

Why we’re doing this work

Millions of people use charities’ services every day and increasingly many of these are delivered online or have a digital component. Though there are often similarities in the types of services many charities offer, these services are generally designed and implemented differently by each charity.

The current funding model can result in competition between charities, and there is a lack of transparency and visibility around what other charities might be working on. This often results in sector bodies building bespoke digital solutions via external agencies, contributing to a missed opportunity to share existing ones and save money.

Catalyst believes in a different approach to collaboration and innovation among charities. By reusing FutureGov’s approach to its LocalGov Services platform and working closely with professionals involved in that project, our aim is to help charities work together to identify common services and reuse what already exists and works.

Who’s doing the work?

Catalyst and FutureGov, who developed the original Service Patterns platform.

Summary of work

So far we’re at an early stage. We’re talking with FutureGov to understand what worked for them, and understanding the differences between the local authority and charity environments. We will soon be looking to find a handful of charities to test our initial ideas.

More on this work

For those interested in what this might look like, the original LocalGov Patterns platform by FutureGov and Essex County Council and the Service Patterns for Local Gov should offer some insight.

Intended output

At the moment, our plan is to try to develop a service, hosted on the Catalyst website, similar to that which exists for the local government sector.

Key contacts

If anyone would like to discuss or build on this work, please get in touch:

