My week in weather conditions — mostly sunny🌞

Trying to write a post that matches stretching questions with weather conditions 🌞🌪️🌧️🥶🌫️

Joe Roberson
3 min readFeb 9, 2023


Work reflections from a week of cold and sunshine in Glastonbury. I’ll share some more photos of the Tor below. But for now here’s 3 questions about my week — with answers and weather conditions.

Sunshine with a chance of showers

Question: What did I experiment with?

Answer: EasyRetro

Today we ran a Service Recipes sprint retro. It gave me a chance to get Easy Retro out of the drawer and try a new template. Why do I love EasyRetro?

  • Its easy to add the sunshine and the showers — what was good and what was hard about a sprint (or any other event — it works well for retrospectives on pretty much anything)
  • It has loads of templates and you can see which are the most popular
  • You can hide comments until everyone has added their thoughts to the board, then reveal them all in a flourish!

Early fog, dissipating to clear winter sunshine by mid-afternoon

Question: Who did I talk to?

Answer: CAST’s Grant Advisor advisory group

Dan at CAST invited me to sit in on a presentation of the new version of Grant Advisor (link goes to the existing site as new one is yet to launch). The group is mainly people from trust funders. I hadn’t seen the new platform before.

Grant Advisor makes me excited! Its a way for charities to feedback on their experience of a funding organisation — in public (with appropriate anonymisation).

The service has loads of potential. For me its a way of buidling dialogue and changing real and perceived power imbalances between funders and those they fund. The delviery platform (website) is still fairly early stage but its clearly got potential as dozens of funders have signed up for it.

Watching the site being revealed gave me the chance to critique it in a relaxed way. What felt foggy to begin with became clearer the more I learnt about it. I’d like to offer the team more content and business development support with it.

Waiting for spring showers to arrive

Question: ​What would you have liked to do more of?

Answer: writing service recipes

I’ve written plenty about Service Recipes in other weeknotes. But today I got to write my first new recipe using our new content pattern. It was pretty satisfying.

And I won’t be writing many more new ones until Spring. Because we’ve site testing to do first and a load of existing recipes to rewrite. And probably some more technical development too. And maybe a visual paint job on the site. Fun, but it also means waiting until new content appears on the site. Roll on April!

See you next week — I’ll probably be reporting on the experience of testing the new recipes design with 6 people who’ve never visited the site before!

My favourite — it came over for a nose scratch ❤️



Joe Roberson

Bid writer. Content designer. I help charities and tech for good startups raise funds, build tech products, then sustain them. Writes useful stuff. More poetry.