When Inclusion London met On Our Radar

Inclusion London
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Inclusion London: Weeknote 1

As the project coordinator for the CAST/Catalyst project, I was excited to learn how I was to be involved with the project and in which capacity. Acting as a liaison between the IL and OOR meant that I would have more of a bird’s eye view of our work that looks to enable DDPOs and Disabled people to tell their own stories in their own words.

As IL and OOR had worked together previously on another piece of work, I was assured that they would be able to hit the ground running. Especially with the pace that is expected of work like this, something that I have never done before. Usually, there’s meetings about meetings. But this was looking to be a chance to help facilitate staff and volunteers to work on making short digital media pieces that would allow them to air the thoughts, opinions, and frustrations of their community.

In my role, I am tasked with spreading the word out and getting different types of DDPOs (in and out of London, geographical, topic) involved. Owing to the very strange times that we are living in because of the Coronavirus pandemic and the whole sector always lacking capacity, there is usually never enough time, funding, or human resources. But now that will be magnified to a higher degree, but I remain hopeful!



Inclusion London
Writer for

Inclusion London’s mission is to promote Deaf and Disabled people’s equality and inclusion by supporting Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs).