Tom’s Throwback Thursday — Questions and the End of the Universe

Tom Rodgers
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2020

This week, we’re heading all the way back to 2013, to one of the earliest videos on our YouTube page. A video which, not coincidentally, is all about questions!

We the Curious has changed a lot since 2013. We’ve changed our name, we’ve rethought our mission, and we’ve started using colours other than red!

One thing that hasn’t changed though, is our love for questions. In fact, we’re even more obsessed with them than ever. Over the last few years, we’ve collected over 10,000 questions from our visitors and the people of Bristol and we’re making a whole new exhibition based on them.

(Btw, if you’re reading this soon after publication, you can get involved in testing out some of the new exhibits. We want to know what you find interesting & how different things make you feel.)

Here’s why I think this video is so fab:

  • It’s all about something that everyone can do at home: ask questions! Chat about them with your friends and family. Ask questions to thin air. Even search for answers if you want to. Just ASK. MORE. QUESTIONS.
  • When I first started working at At-Bristol, I remember looking through that wall of questions and thinking that it was the coolest thing in the building. Then we got rid of it 😥. Then we designed a whole exhibition about questions 😁. What a rollercoaster.
  • It made me think about how we approach visitor questions in 2020. We The Curious is a lot more about helping people to explore their own curiosity than about providing answers to questions. It would be interesting to see how different this video would be if we made it today.
  • I still hang out with Ross even though he’s not at We The Curious any more. We still make fun of his grey hair. Perhaps I am not a good friend.



No National Curriculum links this week but I’ll be back with something practical and lesson ideas next week.



Tom Rodgers

Programme Developer at We The Curious. Down for questions, food and board games. Favourite cheese — Meldon. Favourite Book — Discworld.