Tom’s Throwback Thursday — Viruses

Tom Rodgers
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Welcome to another Tom’s Throwback Thursday, where I (Tom) share a classic video from our archives and also write some pretty much unrelated words about that video.

This week we’re talking viruses but don’t worry, this isn’t about COVID-19 and the current pandemic. We’re taking a look at some of the incredible science behind viruses, the extreme environments they live in and how they can affect our whole planet.

I don’t know about you but I am starting to get a little bit sick of hearing about viruses. Of course, it’s important to stay informed in order to protect ourselves and those around us, but it feels like every news cycle is full of new information and advice (ranging from helpful to downright baffling).

A close-up photograph of a sculpture of a microbe made of glass.
from Glass Microbiology by Luke Jerram

That said, viruses are actually pretty interesting and amid the daily bombardment of guidelines and advice, perhaps there are some other questions we should be asking ourselves:

  • Are viruses alive?
  • What colour are they really?
  • And (apparently), how are viruses slowly turning Greenland black?

I should probably admit that one of the main reasons I watch this video is just to listen to Prof Anesio (Virus/Glacier enthusiast). There is something captivating about watching somebody talk about something that they are passionate about. It almost doesn’t matter what they’re actually saying, I just love listening to it.


Stay home. Wash your hands. Take care of each other.

And watch this.



Tom Rodgers

Programme Developer at We The Curious. Down for questions, food and board games. Favourite cheese — Meldon. Favourite Book — Discworld.