Member Owned and Operated Media | The Next Generation of Marketing

Boone Bergsma
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2017

I’m sure you heard of Employee Owned and Operated companies, some you might be familiar with are Bob’s Red Mill, Niemann Foods, Parsons Corporation, and CH2M Hill. There are many more out there, here are the top 100 by size.

Today, there are approximately 11,300 companies in the U.S. that are structured under the employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP), according to the National Center for Employee Ownership.

They show greater resilience in a recession. They earn loyalty from customers and suppliers. They move nimbly in tough markets. Insights from today’s leading employee-owned businesses can be applied broadly, pointing the way toward a more robust and sustainable economy. American companies with substantial employee ownership often outperform those without, with lower staff turnover, higher trust, and greater shareholder value according to research done at Harvard and Rutgers.

Now let’s take that model even a step further

WTIM LCC is creating possibly the first of its kind Member Owned and Operated Media Company. To share with the people who are making it stories possible and reward them for taking action to make a difference for what matters to them.

What if when you read news about a cause in need or shared an uplifting story with your friends it was raising money for what mattered to you? Would you be interested in winning prizes for your favorite non-profit, your local school, and yourself?

Imagine if the simple actions you took like watching a short video and selecting a charity to receive funding from a sponsor could also benefit you. That is what we are creating at WTIM, WeThinkItMatters. A community where you can learn about non-profits and businesses working together to make a difference and take part in impacting lives.

Beyond the good feelings you’ll get from knowing you helped impact a charities mission, you will be entered to win prizes, and by sharing that you voted and asking others to vote too, you will increase your chances of taking home a jackpot for your favorite charity, local school, and you.

So what does that mean! Well, for example in this very first WTIM, WeThinkItMatters Beta Campaign when you vote for 1 of the 3 non-profits to get funding that are helping care for the homeless and them get off the streets , you could also win 1 of 11 cash prizes.

When you become a member you tell us your personal favorite non-profit, this could be the humane society near you, 4H club, Make-A-Wish, whatever non-profit means the most to you. And whenever you vote for any charity to receive funding from a WTIM, WeThinkItMatters Campaign your favorite non-profit is entered to win cash prizes.

And in the same way, when you become a member you tell us what local school you would like to support, maybe it is the elementary school your child attends or maybe it is one next door you know is in need. In any case when you vote for any non-profit to receive funding from a WTIM, WeThinkItMatters Campaign that school you choose is entered to win cash prizes.

Just when you thought this sounds pretty good here is the icing on the cake. Each time you vote for any cause to receive funding from a WTIM, WeThinkItMatters Campaign you are entered to win cash prizes for you to do whatever you please!

So while you are helping to raise funding and awareness for charities serving our communities, you will also be getting chances to win money for things that matter to you.

This is the beginning of something new, and in my opinion very exciting. By becoming a Voting Member of WTIM for totally FREE, you are going to become an owner as well. WTIM will be employee and member owned. As far as I’m aware this will be the first of its kind Media Company.

We are at the ground floor and the only way up is with your help. We aren’t asking for much, just that you are willing to learn about great causes, vote for non-profits to receive funding, and share the positive story about the difference it makes.

Now is the time for you to get on board. Join WTIM today and stay tuned to see what WE create Together!



Boone Bergsma

Farmer by day | Social Good Advocate at night & | Startup or Die Trying