Turn “I Can’t Draw” into “Let Me Try”

Kris Martin
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2019

Introducing the Paper Store, a collection of creative prompts, workbooks, tutorials and challenges.

Paper has always been positioned as a simple, fluid creative tool for anyone to express their ideas with a sketch. Our focus has been on the earliest stages of the creative process, when a concept first takes shape, when speed and simplicity are more important than polish and production.

Paper’s core metaphor is the journal.

The app’s core metaphor, the Paper journal, appeals to a wide variety of people. And the restrained feature set benefits both the beginner and the expert, removing as many unnecessary choices from the process as possible. Our most dedicated customers include architects, teachers, engineers, designers, and entrepreneurs. As well as their young children.

Despite the diversity of professions, a majority of Paper’s fans do have something in common. They like to draw. They may not consider themselves artists, but they aren’t intimidated by the prospect of sketching as a way to express their ideas. They view the blank page as an opportunity to explore a concept. They have the confidence to sketch.

Over the years we’ve had several people report that Paper kickstarted their enjoyment of drawing, but many beginners never get that far. Those who fear the prospect of making a sketch never give Paper a try. “I can’t draw” is by far the most common excuse we’ve heard for not downloading an app like Paper. With the introduction of the Paper Store, we’d like to make “I can’t draw” the reason they do decide to give Paper a try.

Browse, download and start sketching.

The Paper Store gives you a better starting place than the blank page. The store contains a browsable library of creative workbooks, tutorials and planners designed to build the confidence and skills to illustrate your ideas. And each journal will offer something to respond to; a new lesson to learn, a new activity to explore, a new tool to master. Even experienced illustrators will find more open-ended challenges to respond to.

We’re launching with a tightly curated selection of journals covering a range of topics:

  • Better handwriting
  • Mind maps
  • Character design for comics
  • Visual meditation
  • How to draw cacti & succulents
  • Tracing portraits from photos

We’re working with some of the most talented artists and designers out there to create the journals in the Paper Store. Jon Burgerman, Lucy Bellwood, Catherine Madden, Joey Gao, and Ray of Light are behind several titles in our first set. Each journal offers a glimpse into the way the creator thinks about visual expression and creative thinking.

Ready to jump in and give it a try? Learn more at: https://paper.bywetransfer.com/

