1 smart integration powers local content in your multilingual PIM

Gaétan Prieur
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2019

A quick win for brands to master international catalogs: integrating a Multilingual CMS to their Product Information Management platform (PIM).

Connect Wezen and Product Information Management platforms to gain global reach

In the context of a Content Shock, brands are fighting for the attention of their visitors and targets. For e-commerce players in particular, getting shoppers from all markets to stay and purchase on their web platform is a priority. To do so, brands focus on providing customers something more than a catalog: a thrilling Product Experience, ultimately captivating visitor attention all around the world.

Technology such as PIM or Product Experience Management (PXM) platforms provide a powerful framework and deploy catalogs overseas through multiple channels. In addition to that, one could argue that brands can also benefit from specific multilingual technology to get more value out of branded texts. Here’s how there is great potential in connecting your PIM with platforms like Wezen, ultimately creating a content experience.

Wezen powers PIM content with multilingual descriptions 󠁡󠁡🌏

Many localization projects happen to show a greater complexity than originally planned and result in disappoints with timing, budgets and quality. However I recently pointed out in this article that those challenges are actually quite common and can be anticipated. A PIM is great, but there is a good chance you need additional technology for your texts either because:

  • translating websites happens to be complex in terms of organization and content types,
  • the volume of content you manage needs industrial processes with appropriate notifications, reports and delivery deadlines,
  • you have specific local challenges about content production, with custom workflows and local rules,
  • translators can’t work in your PIM.

Using a Multilingual Content Management platform like Wezen, brands can address each of the challenges above, in an environment where content and linguists can meet. This technology offers specific features such as:

  • live status of localization projects to identify deadlines and quality levels,
  • smart workflows where you don’t have to translate the same content twice; particularly useful when you only need simple translation updates,
  • language-specific behaviors, either in terms of workflow or content itself (e.g. ignoring Japanese Kinsoku-shori rules may completely change the meaning of your message),
  • state-of-the-art linguistic tools from SEO glossaries to adaptive Machine Translation engines, to master quality and efficiency levels of translation.

Tech integrations deliver local content on time 🔌

Having 2 platforms where content is stored might feel redundant, though: product information is centralized in the PIM, but the production of texts has to be hosted on this new Multilingual Content Management platform. How do you make sure content is well synchronized between the two environments?

PIMs usually feature export/import capabilities so you can always upload and download content from one platform to another. However, as you are aiming at powerful processes, this manual data flow is heavy and puts huge limits on time-to-market.

A less sequential solution is to integrate the 2 platforms at a tech level. This can both allow data to be synchronized and enable very specific processes users will benefit instantly.

  • No more manual content integration and/or file transfers.
  • Instant tracking of localization completeness on the PIM connector.
  • Agility with live content updates being synchronized.
Wezen integrates with PIM like SAP Commerce Cloud (Hybris) or Akeneo PXM

✨The Wezen platform integrates with PIM solutions like Akeneo and SAP Commerce Cloud (formerly know as Hybris) with on-the-shelf connectors. Whatever your PIM technology, APIs are always a good resort to create custom interconnexions and benefit from PIM and Wezen working together as a unit.

See Wezen in action with your PIM! 📺

How do you manage PIM content you would like to localize? Check out the 3-step process:

  1. Identify products that need translation updates thanks to the Wezen connector, and make your selection in the PIM.
  2. Select the languages you want and confirm.
  3. And check the live status of your translations; once ready they will automatically synchronize between Wezen and the PIM!

Here is an example using an Akeneo PIM connector:

To see Wezen in action itself, check out the Wezen Youtube channel! Or just reach out to us directly from out chatbot 💬

tl;dr. Wezen boosts Hybris and Akeneo PIM multilingual content!

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