10 Surprise Entrants to Cheer on For The Royal Rumble 2017

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4 min readJan 22, 2017

The Royal Rumble match features 30 random man competing in one ring for an opportunity at a world title shot at Wrestlemania. In a nutshell, Royal Rumble is great moments and great spectacles provided by great surprises.

For me, It’s always great to know who gets a debut, comeback from injury, returning legends, new signings and the winner during the one hour-long moment. Watching the unexpected in the Royal Rumble is so visceral, but the question now, who are they?

James Elsworth

His big moment is always happening when he has to face Braun Strowman. That could be one of his factor to enter the Royal Rumble ring.


I can’t see Goldberg become the winner and get a title shot at Wrestlemania, at least he could stand by eliminating last two man. With his legend charisma, he’ll be fantastic cheers-drawer for the Royal Rumble this year. Simply unstoppable.

Shawn Michaels

There’s always be a rumor or speculation that HBK returns from retirement. One of them now is he would take AJ Syles or Samoa Joe (his dream match opponent) for Royal Rumble. But it seems unlikely ’cause Shawn Michaels resisted to go back to the ring. It does need miracle, but if the offer is good, he’d comeback in the right time, maybe Wrestlemania appearance.

The Undertaker

He is the red-hot name for the winner. That makes sense if you thought Royal Rumble 2017 could be his last, so save your cheer for The Dead Man.

Tye Dillinger

If he didn’t get the number 10 entrance in the Royal Rumble, we know we must boo whoever coming to the ring. Yup, it’s awesome debut chance for Tye Dillinger and it’s going to be the awesome pop!

Triple H

All fans have waited for him to comeback, especially to take on Seth Rollins. Would be perfect if he could make it in the Royal Rumble list again.

Finn Balor

Finn Balor is certainly being kept for Wrestlemania and comeback in the Royal Rumble would be unlikely. However, speculation of Balor return is getting wild in the conversation as the Royal Rumble getting close. If that’s true, the most logical sense, he’ll be the 30th man entrant!

Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe is the top list of surprise entrants and would become pop of the year for Royal Rumble 2017. He will follow AJ Styles ‘phenomenal’ debut last year by facing heavyweight men like Goldberg or Lesnar in the ring and then in 2017 we could see the Samoan Suplex Machine with a title . Now, let’s hope Samoa Joe go to SDL.

Kenny Omega

After losing to Okada in his match of the decade, Kenny Omega name has become the hot speculation since Seth Rollins & John Cena dropped his name. That could be a troll. But, if you could see what happened last year with AJ Styles that means Kenny Omega rumor is very significant. Not to mention, 2017 Royal Rumble is also being built as the biggest one in its history, so why not?

Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle has already been announced returning to WWE after making his name in TNA and independent circuit. This year the Olympic gold medalist and WWE four-time champions also will be inducted in WWE Hall Of Fame. These are my good reason why I believe fans are going to roar when Angle makes his entrance in the Royal Rumble.

