Invaluable insight: the WFH Survival Handbook newsletter

Sharing our latest Work From Home and remote working stories

Paolo Cuomo
WFH Survival Handbook


Mind the animals! A view from a recent walk-and-talk meeting in the UK countryside.

Lots of interest in a couple of posts recently. In particular regarding work-from-home set-ups. If you haven’t seen these take a look.

Of real relevance, as we move past the 12-month anniversary of working from home is the question of how to ensure your work-from-home setup is still optimal. In Is Now the Time for a Work-From-Home Reset? we consider some of the steps you might take.

If you’ve never taken the opportunity to sort out your space then it is never too late. There’s been lots of interaction around our How complete is your WFH set-up? article; please do join in.

With Spring arriving for those of us in the Northern hemisphere, consider whether you can get away from your desk and take a call outside. This post was written a couple of months back so includes ideas on keeping warm, but much of it is still valid. Take a Hike! Here’s Why.

For those who prefer a run to walk, don’t limit yourself to early morning or later in the day — learn about picking a slot that works best for you in I Have a (Running) Secret. You Should Have One Too!. Or if you have trouble protecting your lunchtime plans get some tips in Reclaiming Lunchbreaks. Unintentionally.

Oh, and slightly different but so, so relevant: some advice on how to set up Outlook so you get a moment to change your mind after you press send. A real lifesaver on occasion. The Outlook Rule That’s Saved My Skin (Multiple Times). On the theme of email, we may not be traveling much, but it’s still worth considering these ideas for keeping your inbox under control: Three Inbox tips to Save You After a Break.

Looking forward to engaging further on these topics.

