WFH tip #60: Support Your Colleagues; Nod While They’re Talking

An actionable work-from-home tip from “The WFH Survival Handbook”

Paolo Cuomo
WFH Survival Handbook
2 min readJan 16, 2021


Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash

We’re all spending hours on video calls these days, often with multiple people in them. But how much are we actually paying attention?

With screens and cameras in different positions it’s often the case people aren’t looking you in the eye. Equally, most people have got into the terrible habit of doing emails or looking at other things during the duller parts of the meeting.

As such, as a speaker — whether making a 60 second point in a committee meeting, or talking at the screen for 20 minutes as part of a webinar — it can feel very lonely despite all the faces in front of you.

You can make a simple difference by making eye contact and nodding.

We of course all know from standing at the podium in a conference that it is encouraging to have certain people who are clearly engaged and you can really see it in their body language. Offering the same support to your colleagues, clients and suppliers while on Zoom or Teams is even more valuable.

If you’re in an event — of whatever size — where it is considered acceptable switching of the camera it can be even more…

