(Wikipedia, 2021)

Burkina Faso

Jan Water
3 min readOct 21, 2021


Burkina Faso ranks 38 out of 180 on the World Press Freedom Index (WPIF), a ranking published each year by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) rating each country’s freedom of press and media, with number one being the best score.

As published by the WPFI Burkina Faso, situated in Western Africa, had gradually been improving its score since 2013, when they were in place 53. Until 2020 when they dropped down 2 places. Burkina Faso remains one of the best scoring countries in Africa when it comes to freedom of the press.

“With dynamic, professional and diverse media, Burkina Faso is one of Africa’s success stories,” according to the 2021 WPFI report. However, there is room for improvement. In 2019 a law was passed that punished the spread of “false information” and news on the national security forces that provide “tactical insight” to the parties involved.

These laws allow the government to keep close control over the information published by media outlets and are harmful to the freedom of the press according to the WPFI. This is because critical coverage of the military can be punished with heavy fines. The same goes for defamation which is no longer punishable by a prison sentence but can also lead to fines regardless.

Another example of this control was reported by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). Regarding terrorist attacks in Solhan, that occurred in June. 8, 2021, when the radio and television Omega Media group was suspended for 5 days by the Higher Communication Council (CSC). The reason for the sanctions was miscommunications in processing information related to the attack.

The General Secretary of the IFJ, Anthony Bellanger, responded with the following: “The IFJ asks the CSC to lift this suspension immediately, and to create an environment conducive to the independence of the press, allowing journalists to work without fear of being punished or intimidated.”

According to the WPFI, Africa remains one of the most dangerous continents for reporters to do their jobs. Whilst Burkina Faso occupies a relatively good position in the WPFI, it is not at all a safe space for journalists to operate.

Proof of this came in in a report by Cable News Network (CNN). Roberto Fraile and David Beriain, a Spanish reporter and cameraman, were killed whilst being escorted by a military convoy fighting against poachers in Pama national park. They passed by a position held by terrorists that opened fire on the convoy they were following.

Burkina Faso has taken steps towards creating a better environment for Press Freedom, as reflected in their rise through the WPFI ranking. However, there is still room for improvement. According to the Burkina Journalist association, there has been a significant increase in harassment of journalists in 2020.


Jan Water is studying Creative Media and Game Technology in the Netherlands. He is currently enjoying a Minor at the American University in Bulgaria. He aims to add value to the world through creative thinking and attention to detail.



Jan Water

A Dutch Art and Technology Student currently enjoying a minor at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG). Adding value to the world with creative thinking.