Getting into Web3 & Community Management with WGMI

Ngozi-Olehi Munachimso
WGMI Community DAO
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2022
Image Source: SpeedInvest

The Crypto and Web3 industry is relatively new, and the good thing is we are early. You are early and can get in before the industry becomes too saturated.

As the years go by, more people are beginning to realize and understand that there is more to crypto and blockchain than just trading coins and tokens on decentralized exchanges and that there are more ways to make money from this new disruptive innovation without risking your life’s savings in liquidity pools or staking your money in potential rug projects.

Day by day, more people are doing more research to get into the finer points of decentralized finance, blockchain technology, and the Web3 ecosystem to understand how these disruptive innovations are reshaping the internet, redefining digital ownership (through NFTs and Web3), and restructuring how communities and organizations operate (through DAOs).

With so much information filled with niche jargon (complex crypto and Web3 terminologies) on the internet, it is easy to get overwhelmed, confused, and lost 80% of the time.

Statistics reveal that non-crypto folks have difficulty understanding blockchain technology, and crypto folks are still learning about this new but promising innovation.

No one has it all figured out; not even your community experts, lol. Everyone is winging it, but learning every day, learning from personal mistakes and experiences of others, learning what to do and what not to do.

However, learning is more fun in communities. Learning from experts alongside fellow newbies makes learning more palatable, which is what WGMI does for you.

Meaning of WGMI

WGMI is an acronym for “We’re Gonna Make It.”

It is a crypto analogy to drive positivity and sustain enthusiasm in the ever-changing volatile markets and unstable but rapidly growing Web3 ecosystem.

The WGMI DAO is a community of crypto enthusiasts, ranging from newbies “trying to figure this crypto thingy out” to Web3 experts, well advanced in Web3 with both knowledge and experience. It is on a mission to “raise” newbies and bring more community professionals into WGMI.

We put the “We” in Web3 through a focus on community building and community management practices.

WGMI also focuses on providing the services of Web3 community development, strategy, and coordination. If you want to get into Web3 through community management, WGMI is your community.

Why hire a community manager when you can hire a community of community managers?
- Oops, Core Contributor

The goals of WGMI include:

  • To ease the onboarding of the next generation of community professionals into everything crypto and Web3 and to offer them standards of community professionals across the world (non-Web3) and with community members in Web3.
  • To help Web3 project owners maintain and manage their communities.

With the “offsprings” of blockchain technology (Crypto, Web3, DAOs, and Defi) being relatively new, there are more opportunities than talents in the space. This creates a talent gap that needs to be filled for the idea behind this innovation to scale on a global level.

To bridge that gap, WGMI aims to educate up-and-coming Web3 professionals through:

  • We are developing and assembling open-source resources, standards, strategies, and tools to support this future workforce and Web3 community professionals.
  • Hosting workshops, community-centered boot camps, and learning programs with hands-on practicals that help expand the talent pool.
  • We host partnership events with leading Web3 professionals for practical physical and virtual community management experiences.
  • We are establishing ourselves as a leading DAO-as-a-Service (DaaS) for community development in Web3.

How to join the WGMI community.

Are you looking for a community to join, learn about Web3, and connect with top Web3 community professionals? You just hit the jackpot. To join the WGMI community, start by checking out where we gather:

Twitter, Wiki, Discourse, and Task & Bounty Board.

Our community members interact with Discord, and we have listed our community guidelines in our guidebook.

Click here to join our Discord. Check out our community calendar to catch up on community activities and events and our website to stay updated.

We are open to contributors (you have to join our Discord to contribute) and partnerships. Our next post will be about contributions and partnerships. If interested, you don’t want to miss the next post.

Hit the follow button to get notified when we post, and subscribe to get our stories in your email (the OG way😎).

