W-Foundation’s GHG campaign mobile app HOOXI launches in open beta

W Green Pay
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

We are so excited to let you know that our HOOXI App has been launched!

HOOXI App is available for download in open beta today (5th December) on Google Play Store and it will be available on the App Store in the upcoming days so keep a lookout for it!

Launching in open beta allows us to make improvements and further improve our HOOXI app. The official launch will be in February 2019, so please watch this space for updates!

For users who just recently joined our community and may be unfamiliar, the HOOXI app is a mobile application platform that powers the HOOXI campaign.

The app gamifies environmental sustainability and makes going green easy for everyone. Users can log onto HOOXI through their Facebook, Google, Naver or Kakao social accounts to complete missions, earn points, level up and compete against your friends for ranking, all whilst helping the environment by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions! Doing your part for the environment is now easier than ever.

Users can also gain knowledge on how to conserve energy and reduce GHG effectively just by using the app. HOOXI not only makes energy conservation fun but also systematically analyses your user profile, such as your lifestyle, age, gender, work, etc., to suggest tailored GHG reduction missions.

What is even better is that top ranking users can look forward to WGP rewards! However, the point system resets every month so be sure to complete your missions early!

Users can purchase various items with their WGP at our HOOXI mall. We are continuously expanding WGP’s usability.

“The Korean government’s revised roadmap for national GHG reduction targets released in July 2018 emphasized the role of individual citizens in addition to corporations and institutions. Our platform makes it fun and easy for every citizen to participate in this important effort.” said Youree Lee, CEO of W-Foundation.

W-Foundation’s HOOXI campaign leverages on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Climate Neutral Now initiative and Korea Energy Agency (KEA)’s Carbon Neutral program and provides individuals with a platform to contribute to GHG reduction efforts.

We are also proud to be named as one of the 25 GHG advisory entities committed to providing support and advice to individuals, companies and organisations on steps to measuring and reducing GHG emissions. Our HOOXI app was also featured by UNFCCC as a fresh and innovation way to promote GHG reduction efforts among individuals like you and I.

Don’t forget to join our official Telegram group for updates!



W Green Pay

The reward method of HOOXI App to its users' GHG reduction efforts.