W Green Pay Public Sale has ended: What’s next?

Public sale is now closed; Thank you very much for your support!

W Green Pay
3 min readOct 2, 2018


We’ve come a long way since the start of W Green Pay, and we are pleased to announce that we are sold out for the public sale within the first day!

So, what’s next?

HOOXI App Launch!

On 4th October, we will be launching the HOOXI mobile application for closed beta testing.

For this version, it will first be released in Korean. Closed beta users can expect to be able to perform and complete proposed greenhouse gas reduction tasks and earn mission points to compete for ranking, with evaluations provided by other participants.

The HOOXI app will be released in English in Q1 2019.

Korea Carbon Forum 2018

The Korea Carbon Forum 2018 is hosted by Gangwon Province and Ministry of Science and ICT of Republic of Korea, proudly co-organized by W-Foundation as part of HOOXI Campaign.

It is the first time that a forum of this size and repute, with active participation of government organizations, will be covering the use of blockchain tokens for actual adoption and usage. We are extremely proud and thankful for the support and opportunity to showcase the possibilities of what blockchain technology can bring, especially to the efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.

HOOXI Campaign Efforts

Working with W-Foundation, SBS will develop and air a series of episodes on their top-rated reality TV show with a huge global following, “Law of the Jungle” in Q1 of 2019.

With the polar bear adopted as the show’s mascot and as a symbol of the plight of the North Pole, top celebrities will come together on the show to clean up the North Pole, on and off screen. The show aims to create public awareness that ongoing attention and care are needed for the North Pole.

In the show, you can expect for us to discuss what steps we can take as a community to help the polar bears and all forms of life survive in the North Pole. We will also discuss steps we can take, collectively and as individuals, to bring about immediate relief, while also planting the seeds for a long-term change to the behaviors that contribute to the proliferation of disposables and climate change.

With this series on SBS, our team would also like to remind everyone that while we have blockchain technology to encourage individuals to participate in this initiative, there are also real-world actions you can do to bring about change.

Although the public sale has ended, our journey for W Green Pay has only just begun. We have more exciting things to offer and update you with in the next few weeks to come. Thank you for being with us!

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W Green Pay

The reward method of HOOXI App to its users' GHG reduction efforts.