W Green Pay (WGP) Token Swap Complete: Viewing New WGP Tokens

W Green Pay
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2019

Our W Green Pay token swap is now successfully complete!

If you have your WGP tokens stored at the exchanges: you don’t have to do anything. Your new WGP is reflected in your exchange wallets.

However, if you have your WGP tokens stored at your personal wallets outside of the exchanges: this is how you will be able to view your new W Green Pay (WGP) tokens on your wallet and check your balance.

1. Login to MyEtherWallet using your preferred access method

(Warning: Please be extra careful not to log into phishing sites, double check the address of MyEtherWallet: https://www.myetherwallet.com/ )

2. Click on +Custom Tokens in the right-hand column.

3. In the pop-up, make sure that the fields are correctly input as shown in the image below.

Contract address: 0xdD94842C15abfe4c9bAFE4222adE02896Beb064c
Token Symbol: WGP
Decimal place: 18

After keying in the above, you’ll be able to see the number of W Green Pay (WGP) tokens reflected in your MEW.

Trading of New WGP

Trading of new WGP (withdrawal and deposit from wallet to wallet) will resume at 16:00 PM (KST) May 9th, 2019.

Withdrawal and Deposit Resumes at GDAC

We’re very excited to announce that withdrawal and deposit of new WGP will resume at 16:00 PM (KST) May 9th, 2019 on GDAC first.

We will update you once the resumption schedule for Huobi Korea is confirmed.

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W Green Pay

The reward method of HOOXI App to its users' GHG reduction efforts.