Designing a better Educational Experience

wgu labs design
wgu labs lxd team
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2021

The WGU Labs design team wants to share its mission with Medium readers: we want to improve outcomes for learners everywhere.

In our journey to achieve this mission, our team of learning experience designers (LXDs) are tackling some of the most unique and interesting design challenges. We’ve taken on different roles to help develop and iterate on new and existing products to improve the student experience. We’ve also worked on projects that help identify ways to expand equity and serve a broader student population.

Our team has learned valuable lessons that have enhanced our growth as individual designers and as a team. Keeping these lessons to ourselves would be selfish on our part, so we want to share what we’ve learned with you!

We’ll use Medium to:

  • share our stories and experiences as designers
  • offer readers a closer look at what it’s like to be an LXD
  • explore design challenges we’ve faced and what we did to overcome them
  • and provide advice for those looking to get into the field or progress their Learning Experience design career.

With that said, we don’t want this to be a one-way street. We want to hear from you! Comment below and let us know your design field and what you’re interested in learning about from our LXD team.

We have a lot of exciting content planned for 2021 so stay tuned.


Luis A. Ramirez and the WGU Labs LXD Team

Stay in the loop and follow up on Twitter and LinkedIn. Looking for a career in Learning Experience Design? Click here, we’re hiring.

