Why I Work at Labs: Agueda Chavez, Senior Learning Experience Designer

Agueda Mija Chavez
wgu labs lxd team
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2021

We asked Agueda Chavez, Senior Learning Experience Designer, to talk about why she works at WGU Labs.

I recently joined WGU Labs as a Senior Learning Experience Designer. I was looking for the next step in my career and for a challenge after completing a Masters Degree in Digital Media Design for Learning at NYU. I chose Labs because as I got to know the team and the company, a few things stood out to me:

Good working environment

Labs provides all the tools needed to produce high quality work, including peace of mind! Being part of this team means that you have support available whether it is technical or you need a sounding board to organize your thoughts, someone is always there for you and collaboration is at the heart of everything we do.

Sense of belonging

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is not just a buzzword here. Differences are celebrated, and as an immigrant I feel encouraged to share my experiences and point of view. Since day one I felt welcomed and people are genuinely interested in getting to know me and my background. My identity is a value and not a limitation.


To create new and improved experiences we need to foster an innovative mindset where failure is not feared. At Labs, we learn from our mistakes and move forward, this helps us deliver high quality products and services and grow as learning professionals.

Impactful work

We are passionate about education and have a learner-centered approach. This makes our work relevant to the main issue that our society is facing. People at Labs care and that is an important part of why I decided to join, it is refreshing and aligns with what I believe and brings me satisfaction and joy.

These are a few of the reasons why I’m happy to be part of this team and why I look forward to growing and creating awesome learning experiences for everyone.

Check out our wgu blog to learn more about the projects our full wgu labs team is working on, and to hear from our amazing researchers and interviews with our leadership.

