Whale.Loans: The Prologue

Whale Loans
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2021

What is Whale.Loans?

Whale.Loans is a venture focused on designing a scalable and defendable ecosystem that removes the complexity in and around DeFi and distributes value to its users. In layman’s terms, we are creating an “easy button” for a better user experience.

How are we going to do that?

Simple, launching products that make it easier for users to participate in the many high yield bearing opportunities in DeFi.

Introducing our Dynamic Hedging Vaults, a risk management strategy that allows users to deposit their stablecoins, create a delta neutral position, and collect the funding rate of any token or stock with liquidation protection. We’ll talk about this in more detail in our next post.

Our second product will be our flash minting platform (flash loans on steroids), which will offer one-click value capture for flash events so now everyone can become a whale. No worries, we do all the heavy lifting for you ;)

The integration of the aforementioned and the yet to be mentioned will transform the identification and execution of value-creating transactions. Products revolving around market making, flash minting, risk management, liquidity provisions, NFT’s, arbitrage, and liquidations are just the beginning.

Whale.Loans is the point where usability and necessity meets, ultimately simplifying our members’ current and future daily interactions with decentralized finance.

It gives us great pleasure to share our perspective on DeFi with you and we can’t wait for you to see things our way, the easier way.

To stay up to date on our launch, news and announcements visit:

Website: https://whale.loans/
Discord: https://discord.com/rFzNx4wRtK
Twitter: https://twitter.com/whaleloans

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