V1, V2, V3 How-To’s!

Amber Hancock
Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2017

Stop being a Whale on V1

Version 1 is no longer active, so you’ll want to stop being a Whale there and get back your 1000 WHL. If you stop being a Whale, but don’t claim your rewards yet, that is okay. Your rewards will still always be allocated to your address and be available to claim using Version 2.

Go to https://network.whalecoin.org/ and click on the “V1” button.

Enter your WhaleCoin address containing 1000 WHL and the private key for this address. Your private key will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.

This address will also need to have enough WHL in it to cover the gas.

Click the “STOP BEING A WHALE!” button to unlock your 1000 WHL and stop being a Version 1 Whale.

V1 Whales claim rewards on V2

If you were a Whale before the new release, then you will need to use Version 2 to claim those rewards.

Go to https://network.whalecoin.org/ and click on the “V2” button.

There is only one thing that you can do on Version 2: claim rewards.

To claim your rewards you will need some gas. Enter the WhaleCoin address that is going to be paying the gas along with the private key for that address. Once again, private keys will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.

Enter the address that the rewards have been distributed to (your Whale address) and click the “CLAIM REWARD” button.

You should receive a notification that the transaction was completed along with a transaction number.

Become a Whale and Claim Rewards on V3

To continue to claim rewards as a Whale you will need to sign up to be a Whale on Version 3. Going forward only Whales on Version 3 will receive rewards. Whales will only be able to claim rewards every 1,000 blocks.

Become a Whale

If you have 1,000 WHL then go to https://network.whalecoin.org/ to lock up your coins to become a Whale. The website will be on Version 3 by default.

Click the “GO” button under “My Whale Account: Become a Whale/Stop Being a Whale”.

Then, under “My Whale Account” enter your WhaleCoin address containing 1000 WHL and the private key for this address. Your private key will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.

This address will also need to have enough WHL in it to cover the gas.

Click the “BECOME A WHALE” button to lock up your 1000 WHL and become a Whale.

If everything was entered correctly and you also had enough gas then you should see a confirmation message like this:

It will take about 30 seconds for your address to be verified. Check your address to see if you have been verified as a Whale:

If you are now a Whale then you will see a message like this:

Claim Rewards

Click the “GO” button under “My Whale Rewards: Check/Claim your Whale Rewards”.

In Version 3 Whales can only claim rewards every 1000 blocks. To check which block you can claim after, enter your Whale address and click the “CHECK NEXT BLOCK” button.

You should see a message with a block number. After this block number is the next time that you will be able to claim rewards.

To claim your rewards you will need some gas. Enter the WhaleCoin address that is going to be paying the gas along with the private key for that address. One more time, private keys will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.

Enter the address that the rewards have been distributed to (your Whale address) and click the “CLAIM REWARD” button.

If the claim went through then you should receive a confirmation message like this:

NOTE! : If you have a MetaMask extension on your browser then you will need to disable it or use an incognito window to use WhaleCoin Network.


