V4 Followers: Check Your Stats & Claim Rewards!

Amber Hancock
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018

Followers will have the opportunity to complete small tasks for Whales in order to earn rewards. Keep an eye on the Whale channels in our Discord to find these tasks.

Check Your Stats

When you’ve completed a task the Moderator for that Whale should add you as a Follower to their Post. You can check your Stats as a Follower to see which Posts you’ve been added to.

Go to “Social Network”

Then under Follower Stats click “Go”.

Enter your public address and click “Check Stats!”

You will see a list of all of the Posts where you have been added as a Follower.

Check the Post

You can claim rewards for a Post 10,000 blocks after the Post was created. To see after which block you can claim go to Social Network.

Then Follower Actions.

Then enter the Post ID of one of the Posts that you are following and click “Check Post”

You’ll see a list of all of the Followers for that Post as well as the block number after which you’ll be able to claim your reward.

This Post is claimable after block 421,468. Check the block explorer to see which block WhaleCoin is on now: https://explorer.whalecoin.org/

It’s about 8,000 blocks past that block, so we can now claim for this Post.

Claim Rewards

We will claim from the same page where we checked the Post ID.

Enter the address of the account that’s going to pay for the gas, the private key for that address, and the address of the Follower account that you are claiming for. (Your private key will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.) Then enter the Post ID that you are claiming for and click “Claim Reward”.

Wait until you see a popup window, this may take a minute or two.

If you do not see a popup window, or the popup window does not say “Transaction Completed” then the transaction has not gone through. Try again, checking that everything you entered is correct.

If we look at the Follower Stats page again we can now see that the list of Posts that we have already claimed has been updated.

In the next Blog Post we will go into more detail about the Stats that are currently available at https://network.whalecoin.org/ and how you can use them.

