V4 Moderators: Create Posts & Add Followers

Amber Hancock
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2018

In modern day marketing it is often seen as necessary to pay large media companies for advertising on their platform. Or to pay an advertising agency to manage your paid advertising across many platforms. With WhaleCoin you don’t have to pay anything for your marketing and rewards are decentralized among the individual users who volunteer to spread your message.

In this blog post we’ll look at how to create a Post on the WhaleCoin network and how to add Followers to that Post so that they can be rewarded for spreading your message.

Create a Post

Moderators for Whales have the ability to create new Posts. A Post is anything that you would like to reward Followers for participating in. It could be a task like following a Twitter profile, liking a Facebook page, or signing up for a newsletter with a valid email address. For the time-being Moderators will have to manage the facilitation of these actions through channels other than the WhaleCoin website, like a chat app or message board.

Once you know what action you would like Followers to take and are ready to start rewarding them for taking that action, you should create a Post at https://network.whalecoin.org/

On the V4 homepage under “Social Network” click the button that says “Go.”

Then under “Moderator Actions” click the button that says “Go.”

Enter the address of your Moderator account, the private key for this address, and the address of the Whale account that you are moderating for. (Your private key will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.) Then give your Post a title. I like to title it as the action that I would like performers to complete. Then hit the “Create Post” button.

To check and make sure that your Post was created, go to “My Whale Stats” from the homepage.

Enter the address of the Whale you are moderating for and click “Check Stats!”

You will see a list of all of the Posts that have been created for this Whale account with the ID number, the Block that Post was created, and the Title of the Post.

Add Followers

When you’ve had some Followers complete the action that you’ve requested and have obtained their WhaleCoin addresses, it’s time to add them to the Post as Followers so that they will get rewarded. Once a Post is created you will have 10,000 blocks (about 3 1/2 days) in which to add Followers after which the Post will expire.

On the V4 homepage under “Social Network” click the button that says “Go.”

Then under “Moderator Actions” click the button that says “Go.”

Enter the address of your Moderator account, the private key for this address, and the Post ID. (Your private key will not be stored on our server. Please always check the URL of the website when entering a private key to make sure that you are on the right webpage.) Then enter the WhaleCoin address of your Follower and click “Add Followers.”

Wait a few seconds and if the Follower was added successfully you should see a popup window with a transaction number.

You could also check to see if the Follower was added by going to Social Network>Follower Stats.

Enter the Follower’s address and click “Check Stats!”

You’ll see a list of all of the Posts that Follower has been added to.

In the next blog post we’ll talk about how to claim your rewards as a Follower.

