Alexandra Damsker
Published in
1 min readJul 6, 2019


Brilliant. Amazing. So perfectly described — this idea of “18 months from inception to exit” and headline leading finding rounds is such garbage, and I am exhausted of all the ridiculous “game face@ everyone is constantly portraying.

Entrepreneurship is HARD. A lot of it sucks. Most people should not do it. It is not easier than a job. We do this because we must, we have no other choice — this is the only way for us to feel we can be who we are. We do not do it because it is rainbow- shitting fairies and a life filled with instagramable moments that are #baller.

Fundraising is NOT the goal of the company. It is a necessary evil to creating something. Successful fundraising does not mean you are a viable company (check out Uber’s cash flow if you don’t believe me), and failing to fundraiser does not mean you aren’t a viable business. Users are not the same as revenue. Many (many) investors confuse these. And many have no idea what they’re talking about, much less what you’re talking about.

Let’s be real about things. Isn’t anyone else tired of the constant fake?

BTW, was thinking at outset you need to meet #ArlanHamilton, but you already did!

I love your purpose and honesty, and if I can help in any way, let me know.



Alexandra Damsker

Lawyer. Former SEC. Blockchain expertise. Entrepreneur. Mother.