Mitch Morando — Morando Method
Morando Method
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2016


The Octothorpe : The ONLY attribute you need to qualify a Lead

One Attribute to Rule them All : Sales Wound #78

Attn: Quant Marketers, Demand Gen Ninjas, Growth Hackers

Oc·to·thorpe :ˈäktəˌTHôrp : a term for the pound / number / hash sign (#)

The exact number of employees in a company is by far the most important attribute when qualifying an opportunity because it singlehandedly indicates their ability to pay for Enterprise software. Note, “enterprise” software simply means they can sign an annual contract. If you sell a $100/mo product and you require a no outs, 12 month term, then welcome to Enterprise selling. (We’ll post later about why Annual commitment vs Mo to Mo is the only requirement for Enterprise)

What’s the only product that gives you the Exact # of employees? Whalr

Time vs Money : When you have few employees, Money is more valuable than Time. Later it’s inverted.



Mitch Morando — Morando Method
Morando Method

Quant SaaS Sales leader w/ real wounds building companies. I like math + reverse engineering sales. I teach my methods to founders who want to learn sales