Introducing an old face…but a new Kaiwhakahaere (CEO)

Whare Hauora
Whare Hauora
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017

It is with great pleasure that we announce that we have hired a part time Kaiwhakahaere, a CEO, for Whare Hauora. Hīria Te Rangi will be taking the reins to dedicate some time to getting our Charity and side project into shape. This is to transition us from a hobby/side project into an organisation that will hire people to help us realise our goals.

Hīria is a Whare Hauora trustee and has been an amazing kick ass Agile product owner at various companies such as NZRS, Dragonfly Data Science, DIA and Westpac. In addition her skills and thoughts around open data and the impacts to people were invaluable to us. Hīria has been on the journey with us and we wanted someone with passion and drive to see our vision realised. It’s the unrelenting passion, her skills and her drive of “we just have to do this for New Zealand” that we thought Hīria was the best for the job.

Hīria will be working through and building out a small but efficient team to get our first install into the Strathmore Community. Then the team will go on to help lead out installations into the greater Wellington region.

We’re very excited and can’t wait to see Hīria and our future team shape up and start getting our work into homes to enact change and help educate New Zealanders about the health of their homes.

We have also chosen to use Te Reo for our job roles. We felt that te reo words better described who our people are and what they will be doing. We are working through what we need to stand up for a Strathmore deployment. We don’t just want to roll out our equipment and forget people. We’re now part of this community and we will respect their time and effort for allowing us to be there.

Want to help us or volunteer for our open source projects? We’ve created a page on our website outlining this.

Ngā mihi nui,

Amber Craig & Brenda Wallace.

