Digital Gaming: A solution for Stress Management

Ayushi Jain
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2019

Stress can be a serious issue in the human body. It is estimated that on an average 35% population of the world is under stress, in which Japan is the most stressed country with 60% of its population under stress. The stress level in the workplace is counted to be higher comparatively. In the United States, 80% of people are work-stressed. Workplace stress levels are increasing to 6 people out of 10 to be stressed.

With increasing stress levels around the world, stress management seems the need of the hour. Would you believe if someone told you that you could relieve stress without taking any therapy, or meditation? You might or might not. One of the very interesting and fun options for relieving stress is Digital gaming. Yes, you heard it right!

Whereabouts of Digital Gaming

Digital Gaming is rapidly spreading its wings and, in today’s date, has conquered a large part of the world. From age 5 to 70, low income to high income, developing sector to developed sector everyone is familiar with digital games. Digital gaming is generally criticized for generating aggressive behavior, violent nature, addiction, and social seclusion.

A lot has been spoken about the negatives of Digital Gaming; however, we must not forget every coin has two sides. Digital gaming is widely being recognized as one of the ways of stress management.

Apart from stress management, Digital gaming comes with plenty of positives. Let’s look at the advantages of Digital Gaming.

The Bright side of Digital Gaming

We must not block our minds only with digital gaming’s negative criticism. There are various ways in which gaming can be a boon to us.

Stress Reduction

One of the major positives of Digital Gaming is stress relief. Games attributing martial prowess or digital brute force could help an individual relieve stress. All the aggression, through playing such games, can be vented out resulting in decreased stress and a healthy mood.

Bolstering Memory

Studies say Digital games like Battlefield series help in strengthening memory. Games that involve tasks where the individual has to judge and memorize certain elements and disregard others help in developing and enhancing memory. They assist the brain in determining what needs to be retained.

Focus enhancement

Mission-based games which require skills like planning and strategy to win enhances focus. Similarly, multi-tasking games and card games increase concentration as they develop the practice of handling various things at a single moment. It makes the brain run faster and be focused on a particular task.

Boosting learning skills

Analysis of digital gaming shows that children and toddlers can boost up their skills through learning games. Games giving educational tasks through storylines help the young gamers boost their learning skills. Puzzles, crosswords, word-games, poker, etc. can help enhance your learning and cognitive skills while being stress relieving and fun.

Increased competency and order

Multi-player digital games can increase your competency as well as coordination. Research show games that require team play to win improves coordination and teamwork. Such games also boost-up healthy competition that helps players achieve goals. Furthermore, it also increases the coordination of the senses.

Let’s hear the researchers.

There has been a lot of research about digital gaming being one of the ways to reduce or relieve stress.

Missouri Western State University research on “Stress Reduction: Casual Gaming versus Guided Relaxation” by Jenny L. Stanhope, Caresse Owens, and Lisa Jo Elliott, “Recent research has shown that casual video gaming may help to reduce stress. In Reinecke’s 2009 study, he provides a concept for recovery of the stress involving four distinct parts: psychological detachment, physiological relaxation, mastery experiences, and perceived control.” They argue that the research theoretically talks about stress reduction through video and computer games. According to Reinecke, games can psychologically detach and thus can reduce stress by lessening the ability of the mind to ponder on unwanted thoughts.

Daphne Bavalier, a cognitive researcher and a brain scientist, argues that video gamers who spent 5–15 hours/week had a better vision than the non-gamers. Digital gamers can “resolve conflict faster”. She mentions in one of the Tedtalks held in 2012 in Switzerland that one part of our brain is ‘Parietal Cortex which is known “to control the orientation of attention.” Another part is ‘Frontal Lobe’ which “maintains or sustains attention”, and the third part ‘Anterior Cingulate’ “controls or regulates attention and resolve conflict.” According to Bavalier, “these three works more efficiently in people who play action games.” Action games have elements that are very powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention, vision, etc.

A study on ‘commercial video games as therapy’ by the Harvard community discusses the emerging empirical research into the area of digital gaming. Gaming is gaining popularity day by day. It is estimated by the research that in 2017 over 130 million Americans were indulged in Digital Gaming. The research accounted, “Puzzle games such as Tetris and Bejeweled have been shown to reduce depression, stress, and even prevent flashbacks after a traumatic event.” Similarly, research held by Susan Krauss Whitbourne resulted that 29.9% of 10,308 respondents played games to relieve stress, in which the age group of 50–59 showed the highest number of 945 respondents.

Thus, it seems pretty clear from the researchers’ perception that Digital gaming is quite stress-free and also helpful in certain scenarios.


“Doing something that is productive is a great way to alleviate emotional stress. Get your mind doing something productive like playing your favorite video game.”

– Ziggy Marley

“Stress can actually help you focus better and can be positive. Having small amounts of stress can stimulate you to think. Being able to manage your stress is key.”

— Frank Long


According to the American Psychological Association, stress is becoming a topmost concern for teens between 9th to 12th grade. With a high amount of stress levels in every age group, it seems a very common and mutually accepted way to relieve stress is Digital Gaming. Anything and everything consumed in the right amount and right manner can be healthily effective.

In conclusion, Digital Gaming appears to be one of the best measures for treating stress in the 21st century.

Have apt digital gaming hours and stay stress-free!

Compelling. Isn’t it?

Written By: Ayushi Jain (

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