Podcast Update & Introducing Our New Team Members

Lora Rosenblum
The Pulse by Wharton Digital Health
3 min readDec 23, 2019

We know what you’re thinking. First semester has come and gone — why have we deprived you of the Digital Health content you’re dying to hear?

Well, we’re excited to share that we’ve been busy with a lot of behind-the-scenes action: we’re set to re-launch the podcast in January (get ready for a fresh new look) and we just finished on-boarding two new first year Wharton MBAs to our team.

While we don’t want to give too much away before our new launch next month, we’d like to take this time to introduce the two phenomenal team members who recently joined our team: Vivien Ho and Sandy Varatharajah.

Vivien Ho
Vivien is passionate about the intersection of healthcare innovation and technology. Prior to Wharton, she worked for Airbnb’s strategy team and for The Boston Consulting Group, where she worked on corporate development and growth strategy projects across Consumer, Healthcare, and Technology.

At Wharton, Vivien is excited to dive deeper into digital health through majoring in Healthcare Management and Entrepreneurship and co-hosting the podcast. She is passionate about supporting the entrepreneurial community at Penn as a Fellow for Pear VC and Investment Partner for The MBA Fund, where she supports and invests in student founders. She is also VP of Social and Community for the Wharton Entrepreneurship Club. For fun, she enjoys skiing, boxing, music and cooking new recipes. Vivien earned her Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University in 2016.

Sandy Varatharajah
Sandy has extensive experience in digital health and healthcare services consulting. Most recently, she worked at Cityblock Health, a Series B tech-enabled managed care spinout of Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs. Previously she worked at Zocdoc, where she was the first hire to Zocdoc’s new product commercialization team and helped bring the company’s new business model and first-ever B2B product portfolio to market. At Zocdoc, Sandy also supported the Co-founder and CEO on strategic partnership discussions and federal/state government relations. Prior to Zocdoc, Sandy was a Consultant at The Advisory Board Company, where she helped advise nationally-ranked health systems, Fortune 500 life sciences companies, and technology companies on their health technology strategy.

At Wharton, Sandy has taken initiative to deepening her healthcare experience through majoring in Healthcare Management, co-hosting Wharton’s Digital Health podcast, and being selected for Wharton’s Impact Investing Partners healthcare team. Sandy earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Science, Technology, and International Affairs from Georgetown University in 2014.

We are so excited to welcome these talented new students to the team. Happy holidays — we look forward to sharing our new look in January, along with some exciting episodes!

