Telling a Story

Gregg Ong
What a Tangled Web We Weave
6 min readJan 13, 2015


Just open a book, and a world of fiction is created.

A story is written, laid across a page. New adventures begin and a world is shaped around it. The story, as fictional as it may be, isthe dream of a writer. The writer utilizing the world of fiction is display a newly sensationalized tail captivating those who read it. The world of fiction is born when the first story was created. The first idea sprung about. Fiction and reality lay one in the same, but the door to each other is left behind in one’s mind, hidden to personal thoughts and revelations. Separated. Let us revel in the world of fiction, tales of what has never happened and tales of what have happened with alterations.

“I’m good at lying.”

Funny, with no context, this little phrase has a lot of meaning.

Lying exists along the path of fiction. Stories of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. The little white lies that parents tell their kids for situations easier explain through lies. The barrier between fiction and lies is ultimately seen by those who speak of it and those who hear it. Enough of the time that “honesty is the best policy”. Honestly, lies are told through the times, from the age of adolescents to elderly.

As much as I realize I lie, I also realize the times that I learn where I lie and why I lie. Even the amount of height a lie can reach. The times I lie, are the times where I repeat the same story. The times I lie, the more I do it to support myself. I do it to be in control of my life, and to be in control of how I present myself.

“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” — Joseph Goebbels

There is a high is story telling, where it just becomes exciting and invigorating. The pleasure that comes with it, and the desire to continue it. The amount of times lying comes to the rescue, in moments of trouble, doubt, or insecurity; It becomes the outlet which releases us from strains, from what bind us to ourselves and from ourselves. The idea of stories are the same way. Participating in the journey of Harry Potter, to defeat the Dark Lord and learn of values as he did. By the time of reading, even if it never happened, the story placed us at the scene to experience and retell of what has happened, from our point of view. Lying is where we create our own story with our own experience, placing us in the story; retelling the events.

What does lying accomplish, where it continues to be present in everyday commentary?

If numbers could be seen above people’s head, a pattern of numbers and different patterns could be seen by certain people. Numbers. Polygraphs could see the amount of lies people told, and could see when they were being lied to. Right in front of them. How unpleasant, but how much it must occur. The pain in her eyes eliminate the desire to continue lying, but yet the guy continues to do so, as a way to romanticize her. Between two, it was a line to impress and interest her, allowing an opportunity to build a connection; be in control of the connection between these two.

Pinocchio was one that was known to lie time and time again, and each time he did lie his nose would grow.

The exercise to lie is exercise to expand and develop. In a moment’s notice, the mind encases a new story that was never heard until released and spoken of. Lying starts out as storytelling and continues to transpire to a whole novel of uttered words. The only difference is the deviation of truth, what did occur instead of what I made to occur.

Health is a state where lying effects most. Antisocial, prosocial, self-enhancement, and selfish. Types of lying, and reasons why lying occurs. Reasons why lies are developed, created, stated and mouthed. Lies hold negative connotations for the reasons they are used: deceit.

But does lying do anything harmful?

Of course it can, as can anything. Too much of anything is too much. We praise those who hide themselves behind their stories. Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell and Charles Dickens. Hidden behind pen names, their stories were what created who their pen names were. Their aliases, alternate personas, are lies to protect themselves. They are lies to put stories behind, their pen names were a story all their own. There were reasons to hide behind such lies. Protection.

Movies grasp onto lies to tell their story, to develop plot and suspense while reeling the viewer into the world of lies. Begin Again, a movie from 2014, was a romance of two young and prosperous musicians that went their own way after one had an affair. Another lie was that of a recently fired music scout looking for the next big thing. Paths crossed between lies and lies, and the story only developed into depth because of those lies. These lies have reason, and continuity to become more than just a phrase or a scene from lie, but an entire adventure.

People lie.

It isn't anything hard to grasp. Fariha Hossain mentioned that everybody lies. Everybody does lie. But lying is frowned upon even as everyone does it. The norm of lying continues to grow and be witnessed by people; heard, sought, and spoken.

The growth of lying starts when lies are perceived, as kids perceive them and take to utilize them. It starts young — “Indeed, bright kids are able to start lying at 2 or 3.” (Learning to Lie, Page 1)

Withholding the truth has consequences in particular situations, but there are moments that the truth is withheld even with authority of those who are supposed to be lied to. The roundabout degree is that people will lie, no matter of who they are and why they are lying. The problem is not that people lie, but what they are lying about. Lying isn’t a bad thing. Actually, it is relative to intelligence and adaptability to different situations, but the topic of which is being lied about is where the problem exists.

Lying isn’t bad.

Telling the truth isn’t good.

This isn’t taught to people, like how lying is something taught to not be done.

Lying will continue to occur. People want to feel the high. People want to be in control. People desire to feel something. Experience lying and accept it as part of something that everyone does. It will never stop occurring, but the way it is accepted will just as everything is. Take pride in what lies you are proud about and change what lies you regret, as changing the connotation of lying will change how people look at the effects of lying.

I won’t stop lying. It is an addiction. I’ll tell a story while I do it. What does denying about lies help? It turns into more lies. Upon lies. Upon lies. Lie with a purpose, for something more than just lying even when there is nothing to lie about. Not supporting the consequences of lying, but I support the idea of lying and the power it can hold. I have no sense to deny the importance that lies have taken as a norm, and how much it occurs just everyday.

Nowadays, lying is modern day story telling. It is the voice of stories not written down on paper, and the presense of creation breathed into the open. It is more than what people take on it. Lying is a different medium to tell stories in, so tell your story.

