Micah Alexandre
What a Tangled Web We Weave
4 min readJan 14, 2015

“Those that think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blind.” ~Austin O’Malley

We all do it. Some do it more than others. Some are of a greater magnitude than others. But, we have all done it it before. Lie. We lie to each other, we lie to ourselves. We live in a world of liars. Liars of all ages telling lies of all shapes and sizes.

Where do we learn to lie? Some say we learn on our own, we learn that stretching the truth protects us from punishment. Others say, we observe how others interact, and how they lie, so we copy them. As we grow, our lies grow. As our lies grow, our reasons to lie change. We are lied to, we lie to ourselves, we are liars.

Two years old.

Thats how young some of us are when we start lying. At that age, we lie to avoid punishment.

We cover up simple things out of fear of getting in trouble. As we grow up, we are surrounded by others our age, those just as naive and manipulative as us. We can lie to our peers and be able to control them, which gives us the ultimate power. We turn into teenagers and our lies mature. We lie about doing homework and we lie about who we hung out with, things that are not worth lying about. Our lies become more complex when we lie about alcohol use and smoking, sexual behavior and relationships. We lie because we have learned, honesty creates conflict. So we avoid conflict, simply, with dishonesty.

Sixteen years old.

Our lies become more complex.

Do you drink? Do you smoke? Are you sexually active? Are your grades good?

All questions we answer honestly in our heads. Also, questions some lie about in the presence of parents and teachers. We lie because we are frightened of telling the truth. We are scared of what we will be seen as after the truth escapes. Will we be looked down upon? Made fun of? Be disappointed in? A question we never want to know the answer to.

People pleasers.

I guess thats what you could call this generation. A generation of people who want more than nothing but to please others. If lying is what it takes, than lying we shall do. Nothing is worse than disappointing someone. If all your parents want is for you to get good grades, then what’s the harm of just stretching the truth a tad, and saying you aced your trig quiz, when in reality you received a measly 80? That cut above your eye? You lie and say its from gym class when really, you just barely ducked below your enraged boyfriends fist. When looking at the surface, these are both lies. Lies that protect those you love. Lies that protect you.

Life and death.

We all think we know what’s best for ourselves, what’s best for those around us. Some of our lies protect us, and some protect others. Sometimes, our judgement is fuzzy and we act irrationally. Acting quickly enough that our lack of clear judgement can kill us. Lying about a trig quiz will not kill you. I promise. You will be alive the next day. Lying about abuse? Now that can kill you. Today you’re dodging fists, tomorrow you’re pleading for your life. If the truth was told to begin with, your life would not be on the line. If you are going to lie, you must be aware of the consequences. You must know that the consequence can lead to either life. Or death.

We lie to protect ourselves. To protect our hearts from the havoc the truth will create. The truth puts us onto a battlefield. Dodging bullets of questions and accusations. When we lie, we are still on a battlefield, but we control it. The bullets can be deflected because our lies are our armor. The truth makes us vulnerable. Our lies on the other hand, our lies protect us.

