Migrated — Mission, Vision, and Purpose

Kritiketan (Kittu) Sharma
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2022

The why, what, and how

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A Story

Though I had been away from home for a decade prior to my move to Australia in 2019. It was the first overseas relocation. Butterflies in my stomach were having a field day when I landed in Melbourne. A few hours after landing, I started reaching out to acquaintances from the past located in the city.

In an unforeseen fashion, almost all of them came at me with advice and polarizing opinions, lush with tales of caution and struggle. Mind you, it hasn’t been a full 24 hours yet, and my foreseeable future was being handed to me by my “acquaintances”.

And it was looking grim.

It took a few months to shake off the self-doubt and misinformation. Believing I am in control took another few months. Understanding the why and how is still happening.


Why does Migrated exist?

Moving to a new country is a major life event. No matter the reasons behind it, the emotions are very similar.

Migrated as a group is here to better support first-generation migrants, to add a layer of padding for the shocks that may come as they go, and celebrate their achievements.


What is Migrated trying to achieve?

Like me in the story at the start, our knowledge and experiences are often limited to a small set of people around us. Just because it is that way, does not mean it’s the best.

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?

—Thoman H. Huxley

We wish to achieve a 3 fold outcome here:

  1. Create a collection of stories and experiences, to broaden horizons and not be limited by the only ones around us.
  2. Build an exhaustive set of resources for new and old migrants for the various stages in their life.
  3. Build a supportive community, which celebrates each other.

PS: If we are able to put together stories of courage and stepping up, particularly when under the kind of psychological and cultural barriers we first genners tend to have. It would be a big win.


Well, all that sounds good, but how are we going to get there?

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

– Galadriel (Lord of the rings)

The first step toward the vision was the migrated podcast, which started in November 2021. It focuses on highlighting the stories, achievements, struggles, choices, and motivations all in a casual conversation.

As the podcast found its feet and garnered a loyal listener base, almost in tandem came the demand to expand the movement across the digital realm. Migrated grew to other digital platforms, with a unique purpose for each one of them.

Distribution channels

  1. Migrated podcast: The migrated podcast is a conversation-style interview series, tracing the life stories of first-generation movers, shakers, and settlers. Each guest on the podcast has taken charge of their destiny and made waves in their respective areas of work while continuing to deal with changing visa situations and family. It is available on:
    🔗 Spotify
    🔗 Apple Podcast
    🔗 Anchor
    RSS Feed
  2. Migrated medium publication: The medium publication is directed towards achieving the vision of an exhaustive set of straightforward and informative content that better prepares and empowers individuals through their migration process and beyond. It is also the place where other writers can chip in with their experiences.
    🔗 Become a writer
  3. Community platforms: A very important aspect of migrated is to build a supportive and resourceful community of migrants, that does not shy away from extending a hand in times of need. In an ideal world, physical meetups would be step 1 in this regard, but owing to ever-changing rules, a close second in
    🔗 Instagram: @migratedpodcast
    🔗 TikTok: @migratedpodcast
  4. Brownie: What’s a migration-focused group without a bit of unpredictability. To be able to share a wider variety of content, such as interviews in local languages, etc we have a
    🔗 Youtube — Coming soon

About me

I am Kritiketan Sharma, widely known as Kittu.

Migrated cover

I am the guy from the story above. Currently working as a Software Engineer in Melbourne. And you can know more about me if you listen to the podcast or keep coming back here. You see what I did there.


The purpose of this article was to put out a solid set of principles for migrated. While this article could have very easily been an internal document never to be shared with the audience, it seemed fair to be transparent and straightforward inside out.


