Introduction to finding the steps to eliminate poverty

Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
2 min readMar 4, 2021

Hello my name is Austen Comstock. I am a student at the University at Buffalo. The future sustainability goal that I will researching in my publication is no poverty. The topic that I will be focusing on is, what are the steps to eliminating poverty? Understanding the steps to eliminate poverty will allow for the goal of no poverty to be achieved. By researching the steps that are required to eliminate poverty, it will allow for everyone to be informed on what must be done in order to achieve this goal.

Why am I interested in this topic?

I am personally interested in this topic because, I have had friends who have been affected by poverty. Being in poverty was some of the toughest times that they had ever had to go through. I want to find the steps required for ending poverty, so no one ever has to go through what they had to go through. I believe that no matter who you are, you should never have to go through poverty. Poverty has always been a huge problem in our world. Covid-19 has only increased poverty more. I want to research the required steps it take to eliminate poverty and help the rest of the world become educated on them.

I believe that everyone on earth would benefit from my findings. Researching and finding the steps to eliminate poverty would help every person who is struggling with poverty. It would allow them to live better and not have to worry about it anymore. It would also help prevent anyone from ever having to deal with poverty ever again. I am not too educated on poverty but I know that it effects millions of people every day and has been one of the longest and biggest problems to exist in this world.

Questions I have about this topic?

Three questions that I have about this topic are, are there possible steps to eliminate poverty?, if so, are the realistic and attainable, and finally will it ever happen? These questions are important to me because answering these questions will get us closer to a permanent answer.



Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
Editor for

Hello, my name is Austen Comstock. I am a student at University at Buffalo. I am researching the topic of what are the steps to eliminating poverty