Now or Never

Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
3 min readMar 18, 2021

Throughout this blog I have researched the steps it would take to eliminate poverty. Some of the steps are ending childhood poverty, ending wars, and creating peace. The next and most important step is creating a federal job guarantee. In the article, “A Path to Ending Poverty by Way of Ending Unemployment: A Federal Job Guarantee”, the authors talk about how creating a federal job guarantee would lift people out of poverty. They also talk about what it would cost to create a federal job guarantee.

What contributes to poverty?

In this article, Mark Paul, William Darity Jr., Darrick Hamilton, and Khaing Zaw, talk about the history behind poverty and give a solution that would decrease poverty. Poverty is a disease that must be stopped. There are many contributors to the issue of poverty. One of the many ones is unemployment. For example, Mark Paul, William Darity Jr., Darrick Hamilton, and Khaing Zaw write, “In addition to inflicting lasting damage on an individual’s labor market prospects, unemployment is associated with increased rates of physical and mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, child and spouse abuse, failed relationships, suicide and attempted suicide, and a host of other personal and social ills” (2018). In other words, unemployment is very harmful. Unemployment not only contributes to poverty, but it also leads to mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse and many more things. By creating a federal job guarantee, it will allow for the unemployment numbers to decrease along with everything that is associated with poverty.

Is the Federal Job Guarantee effective?

Later on in this article, the authors state what the federal job guarantee will provide for those who are affected. For example, as stated by Mark Paul, William Darity Jr., Darrick Hamilton, and Khaing Zaw, “the FJG provides the dignity of nonpoverty employment for all who seek it;

the FJG enables the nation to fulfill a host of socially useful tasks that are not currently provided, or are underprovided, by the public sector;

the FJG carries a lower inflation risk than the UBI;

the FJG contributes directly to macroeconomic stabilization; and,

perhaps surprisingly, the FJG will cost considerably less” (2018). In other words, the federal job guarantee offers a lot of upside. The federal job guarantee would help pull people out of poverty and give them a chance to stay out of poverty for good. In the context of the world, the federal job guarantee would be a great solution to help eliminating poverty for good.

What are the steps to eliminating poverty?

I believe that the steps to eliminating poverty are:

  1. Ending Childhood Poverty
  2. Ending Wars
  3. Creating Peace
  4. Creating a Federal Job Guarantee

By following these steps, we will be able to slowly achieve the goal of eliminating poverty. I think that all of us together can contribute to making everyone’s lives better. Poverty needs to be stopped and these are the steps that are required to accomplish that. I think that together we can create the change that we want to see.

Work Cited:

Paul, M. Darity Jr.,W. Hamilton D. Zaw, K. (2018). A Path to Ending Poverty by Way of Ending Unemployment: A Federal Job Guarantee. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(3), 44–63.



Austen Comstock
What are the steps?
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Hello, my name is Austen Comstock. I am a student at University at Buffalo. I am researching the topic of what are the steps to eliminating poverty