What I read: Elizabeth Nann of The Wall Street Journal

Vision Critical
What Business Leaders Read
2 min readMay 18, 2017

Elizabeth Nann is the Executive Director of Global Consumer Insights at The Wall Street Journal, where she leads a team of media researchers. In her role, Elizabeth helps stakeholders in the company better understand the Journal’s readers.

With over 30 years under her belt, Elizabeth is a media veteran — an award-winning sales and research professional who’s helped build some of the world’s most renowned media brands. Her impressive career includes stints in Conde Nast’s W and Brides magazine.

In a recent Q&A, she shared the most influential books that have shaped her career in media research.

First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham opened my eyes to how great managers develop and work with talented people. I’ve learned from his book that you can teach somebody a skill, but you can’t teach people a talent, like curiosity.

Buckingham’s other book, Now, Discover Your Strengths, flipped my thinking on my weaknesses. The book’s thesis is that instead of trying to change things you’re not good at, you should instead focus on your strengths. Find ways of coping with your weaknesses without focusing on them.

I also like From Good to Great, a great book from Jim Collins on why some companies transform into great organizations while most remain mediocre.

Check out our full interview to read Elizabeth’s thoughts on the biggest challenges facing media and what it takes to thrive in this industry.



Vision Critical
What Business Leaders Read

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