Quality control your Fishopping

Abhro S Roy
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2018

When in the fish market, what makes you choose the best quality of fish?Which one’s fresh, and which ones stale, how would you identify?

The stinky Sundarpada fish market. It is biggg !! {P.C- me}

When buying any kind of fresh water carp fishes like Rohu or Mrigal carp, or may be any sea fish also(not all points are applicable to them tough) you must ensure that-

  1. The most obvious thing to check first is the smell.Generally fish starts rotting from the head position.You can just uplift the gills and smell it, you will probably identify a bad smell from a rot fish.
  2. The eyes of the fish should be bright red. Old stock fishes which don’t have so, may not be fresh or might have started rotting.If not bright red.If it is a frozen and washed one, the eye should still be bright, clear and plump. When it starts decaying, it is the eye that rots first.

3. The scales of a fresh fish are tight and intact. If the fish have begun rotting, then the scales tend of come off easily. You should also closely examine the body of the fish for any injury marks or any cut-outs are present. If you find one, never go for it. The fish will probably have rot there already.

4.. When buying fresh fish, you need to check the color of its gills.A fresh fish will have bright red gills(oxygenated).If the fish has begun staling, then the gills tend to become white/dark grey. This is applicable for buying all varieties of fish.

5. When you keep the whole fishes body in upright position, it must remain straight, and not bend.If it does then it is not fresh.The central bone of the fish remains straight and solid only when the fish is fresh.It bends and becomes fragile when it begins rotting.

He insisted on taking his photograph, so I hate to take it.

6. You need to check if the stomach area of the fish is tight or not.If the fish is fresh, the abdomen will be firm.The abdominal area gets flaccid when the fish has gone bad or they have just laid eggs.

7. They must have a slimy outer body. All kind of fresh fish have that. If they don’t, they are not fresh.This is also true with all variety of fish.

I am not an expert, but these are some excellent seven expert advice you can follow and try not being a fool in front of the fish-sellers.I hope they turn out to be really helpful.

Oh No…(RIP fishes !!)

