Big Ideas

Lessons on generating ideas that make a difference.

Hannah Lewman
What Design Can Do
1 min readFeb 25, 2018


It’s about asking the right question.

You can’t come to an original answer until you ask an original question. This involves research, reframing, and pushing the limits of your imagination.

Being boring is a big liability.

Don’t dilute your idea until it’s universally palatable. It’s better to be bold and true to your vision than try to please everyone. If you’re going to fail for one reason, it should be because you were too ahead of your time.

Design can change the world.

Creativity isn’t a magic wand that transforms anything you point it at, but purposeful design helps people imagine new ways of living, accelerates adaptation, and brings people together.

But don’t be part of the “creative commitment problem.”

Sometimes it takes more than a communications campaign to change the world. Folks who have a talent for design don’t always know how to execute in the long run. Rapid-fire creative thinkers should work to find partners who can play the long game.

Written by Rachel Benner and Hannah Lewman. Learn more about the authors here and here.

