Why Who You Are Matters More Than What You Do

Eran Dahan
What Goes On In My Mind
2 min readApr 28, 2014


I had a late night meeting tonight regarding our content and this conflict arises in my head. I realized that every company has two major things to worry about above all. Who they are and what they do. Believe it or not, it’s surprising how often the two collide rather than compliment eachother. Before getting into it, let’s make things clear and define the two concepts.

Who you are is essentially your brand. It’s the thought that springs to someone’s mind when they read your content, see your faces, shake your hands, experience your customer service, visit your headquarters, etc and at the end of the day, it’s the real reason why they do business with you.

What you do. We’re talking about the products you make, what you tell people when they ask what makes you different, how you conduct your business. Here’s the thing, what you do, likely has been done, and it is likely being duplicated by someone else in your industry. Who you are is unique. Like DNA it’s specific to you and can never be replicated. The more vocal you are about your identity, the less likely it is that someone can copy it.

Don’t get me wrong, your opponents will try but no matter what they do, at the end of the day, they can’t change who they are and neither can you. Conclusion? The brand is everything, in a world where everything under the sun has been covered, the only real product we can market without opposition is ourselves. So don’t shy away from the spotlight, grab the light, shine it down, step in it and yell.

