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Who Will Control Bitcoin? The Global Corporatocracy

Transnational Corporate Banking Interests Rule the Monetary System

Davido Davido
7 min readMay 31, 2021


“The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. This development has … been hidden by secrecy, complexity and scale.” Chris Hedges, ‘It’s the System of Corporate Power and That Is Not Going To Get Better Unless We Make War Against the System(April 2020)

The enemies of bitcoin are the owners of the world’s major Banking Corporations because Transnational Banking Corporations direct the policies of Western governments. Bitcoin will be controlled by a Corporatocracy. Corporatocracy is an economic and political system controlled by corporate interests. The owners of Trans-National Corporations will use the powers of the Government to control bitcoin in order to preserve the government monopoly, that they currently direct, over money.

Corporations Control Government

Today, neither we the people nor our elected representatives direct the policies of our governments. The owners of the world’s largest banking corporations use their financial power to direct regulation, limit competition, and enrich themselves.



Davido Davido

Voluntarist, Agorist, not Pacifist. Don’t Tread on Anyone. Rely on Hard Assets, Hard Principles, and Hard People