Tired of the outrage?

That’s fair enough. Only three weeks in, and I’m pretty tired of a regime that keeps doing outrageous things. Sadly, we’re stuck with them for a while…


…so I guess you’re stuck with listening to those of us with eyes to see, being outraged about it.

Or you could just walk away and decide it doesn’t bother you that our republic is in the hands of reprehensible individuals, I suppose, and that you’re tired of hearing what you don’t want to hear.

You could go on telling yourself that what’s going on is no different than any other administration, and anyway you think they’re doing the right thing putting unqualified people in positions of power because all government is evil anyway.

You can roll your eyes at the shouting and the anger caused by putting a Dominionist billionaire in charge of public education.

You can decide it’s “nasty” to call out Mitch McConnell for silencing Elizabeth Warren (but not any of her male colleagues) for reminding everyone that Jeff Sessions is a career racist.

You can go on believing that there’s no reason to be upset because none of the terrible things the Trump administration is doing, is planning to do, has gone on record saying they want to do from early in their campaign and kept on saying and trying to enact, is going to affect you negatively.

Maybe you can even rejoice, because you believe it’s going to affect you positively, make your quality of life better, make your world safer, make more jobs.

None of that is true, of course, but you can enjoy your pretty orange fantasy while it lasts, while Donald Trump and his allies make the world safe for aristocracy — an aristocracy which, if you’re reading this, you almost certain do not and never will belong to, no matter how white or male you are, because you aren’t anywhere near rich enough.

So you go right on dismissing the outrage as so much sturm und drang, tell yourself and anyone else who’ll listen that it’s all just overreaction and that there’s nothing to worry about because America is going to be Great Again, or whatever it is you think is going on here. That’s your right, after all.

But if you think any of the rest of us are impressed by your cool, cool, considerate demeanour, you’re sadly mistaken.

