Introducing: The Pandemic Storytelling Project

Olivia Swanson Haas
What I Can’t Even
2 min readJan 4, 2021


Throughout this pandemic, I have remained deeply curious to know what’s been going on for folks — that is, what’s been going on behind the Facebook statuses, Instagram stories, and tweets. What’s really been going on. From my family and close friends, I’ve heard profound stories of growth, surrender, release, and self-realization. And I’ve heard of painful loneliness, overwhelming responsibility, and acute fear in the face of unprecedented uncertainty. I’ve heard about opening nights cancelled, weddings moved to virtual spaces, weed smoked, babies born, binaries transcended — a lot has been going on behind the curtain of quarantine. And whenever I have the privilege of witnessing someone’s joy, grief, or discovery, I feel held by the sacredness of shared humanity. I am also a writer.

And so I present: The Pandemic Storytelling Project.

This project was born from a desire to give people I love the space to share their stories of survival, and in doing so, stitch together a quilt of that shared humanity. It is not meant to offer solutions or prescribe perspectives. It is a love letter to the human experience of life during a global pandemic.

I am profoundly grateful to everyone who has already sat down and who will sit down (virtually, of course) to share their stories with me, and to all who have supported my process behind the scenes. As a Thank You to my participants, donations have been made to organizations and individuals of each person’s choosing. I encourage you to read on, as each profile ends with the story of where these wonderful people would encourage you to redistribute your resources, as well.

Thank you, and stay safe.

San Gregorio Beach, California. December 31st, 2019.

