“Wild Boy” by Oliver Goldstick at Dragon Theatre Productions (2016)

Olivia Swanson Haas
What I Can’t Even


Based on the critically acclaimed memoir Not Even Wrong, Wild Boy tells two stories — that of Paul and Jennifer Collins, who learn that their toddler may be autistic, and that of Peter “the Wild Boy,” an 18th century boy found mute and feral in the woods by King George I.

Written by Oliver Goldstick, Wild Boy looks at what it really means to be human.

Olivia Haas and Ryan O’Donnell as Jennifer and Paul Collins

“As Paul’s wife, Jennifer, Olivia Haas is astoundingly real. Conflicting emotions flit across her face in a few seconds, and she becomes the grounding force of the family who determines that her son, no matter how difficult, will continue to live with them rather than in some kind of institutionalized care. Haas stands out in a cast of outstanding actors, which is saying something.” — Joanne Engelhardt, Mercury News

Left: Jennifer Collins. Right: Jennifer and Morgan Collins, played by Jonathan Tierny.

“This production of “Wild Boy” is especially notable for the work of Olivia Haas as Morgan’s mother, Jennifer Collins. Her performance, one of the year’s best, is laced with delicacy, strength, insecurity, and raw, desperate humanity. She resists every urge to overplay her scenes, never attempting to steal attention for herself. It takes an extraordinarily assured actress to look, act, and feel so naturally unassured onstage.” — Mark Johnson, TheatreStorm

“As Morgan’s parents, Olivia Haas and Ryan O’Donnell each portray their sometimes similar but often very different journeys that Jennifer and Ryan traverse as they each come to terms of their son’s possible diagnosis of autism. Both actors bring reactions and emotions highly authentic, plausible, and visceral; and each touches chords of empathy and sympathy from an audience often glued in attentive witness to both their individual and joint odysseys.” — Eddie Reynolds, Talkin’ Broadway

