Age 25

What I know now

Alexa Herasimchuk
What I Know Now
3 min readSep 26, 2016


Me in London | August 2016

This year I turn 25. That is to say, I am “one quarter of a century” years old. But I think we just like calling it that to make it sound grand and terrifying.

But perhaps it’s because it is…

Although I have probably considered myself to be in my mid-twenties for some time now, today it is official. This is the time to try things out, make mistakes and keep the energy alive because I have responsibilities yet I am dripping with freedom. I am lucky. And I want to make a difference — I know that but how do I measure it? Only time can tell…

Honestly this year was good but it was also chaotic and pretty stressful. I’ve learned a lot.

If you were not along for the ride last year, here’s a recap about what I know to be true:

1 Year Old
My parents love me unconditionally.

2 Years Old
I am very picky.

3 Years Old
I am a goofball.

4 Years Old
Love doesn’t know distance.

5 Years Old
Be a sponge, take it all in.

6 Years Old
Be active and keep running.

7 Years Old
People may be fond of you, even if you don’t expect it.

8 Years Old
Always be kind.

9 Years Old
It’s not a goodbye, it’s only a see you later.

10 Years Old
You must learn how to start over.

11 Years Old
I am a dreamer.

12 Years Old
I don’t like feeling alone.

13 Years Old
Do what you love and you find your friends.

14 Years Old
Kindness should never be taken as weakness.

15 Years Old
I play basketball not only because I love to but because it levels me.

16 Years Old
It’s frustrating when all you’ve got is your word and that’s just not good enough.

17 Years Old
Take chances.

18 Years Old
Love is a magnificent obsession.

19 Years Old
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

20 Years Old
I know who I am today, because I knew you.

21 Years Old
There is no weakness in forgiveness.

22 Years Old
You are who you surround yourself with — both socially and energetically.

23 Years Old
I want the world to be better because I was here.

24 Years Old
People don’t resist change, they resist being changed.

25 Years Old
Slow down, you’re doin’ fine.

A Reflection Over This Past Year — 25 Years Old
For some time now, I’ve considered myself to have quite an extroverted personality— with lots and lots of energy. I like organizing the chaos and trying to make sense of it all. Order and purpose, yes, that is what energizes me.

And I’ll admit, when something’s not going as I planned, it can really stress me out. Why? Because I tired so carefully to plan for it to happen in such a specific way. Because the plan had meaning. Because the plan was supposed to happen. Because I was supposed to be told if something was going to change and why didn’t I hear about it until now?!

Now breathe…

This year I remember the value of slowing down. Taking a moment to stop and just be. To just look up and notice that life is happening all around us. Step out and then back in. To value slowness.

Living in San Francisco with the energy that I have, it’s not easy to slow down. I like to remain busy and if you had access to my calendar you would know that. And with all of the things happening at once, what I know is that as much I as I want everything to be perfect and happen as planned, that life just doesn’t work out that way. And then I remember that I just turned 25 and why would I ever want to speed things up. Because 25 is sort-of-a-lot-of years old now and yet there is still so much time left to make my mark.

Special thanks to you know who you are.
Until next year…



Alexa Herasimchuk
What I Know Now

Design Community Manager: Zendesk Creative. Previously Product Designer: Zendesk & Yelp. I want the world to be better because I was here. More: